Shattered Part II - 58

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Climbing out of bed I grab some clean clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and strip out of my pyjamas. I step inside and wash my hair and body. Once I'm cleaned I step out of the shower and dry myself before putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

This morning I have an appointment with a psychologist. Hopefully, they can help me get over what Austin did to me. I know I'm making some progress when it comes to Chad. It's not hard for me to open up to him.

Saying the word 'I love you,' had been hard for me to say that to him. He should hear me say those words, but I'm still messed up from Austin. Austin should have stayed away from me during the ten-year reunion.

Kat walks into the pool house after I leave the bathroom. She looks over at me and says. "Are you ready to talk to someone?"

"No," I shake my head. I let out a deep breath. "I have to do this so I can make progress with my relationship with, Chad. I like him a lot, sis. I just can't say the three words that he wants to hear the most."

She pulls me into a hug. "Sis, he's not in a hurry to hear those words from you. He's giving you all the space to say it when the time is right. He told me last night that he feels like you're relying too much on him."

I am relying too much on him and I know I should let him go home, but I've been sleeping much better with him in the same bed as me.

Moving over to the couch I sit on it. "I'm not coming into work today. I have a few things I need to do to get my accounting firm up and running."

She looks at me. "What do you need? I might be able to help with that?"

"I need space and find people that can work with me. I have a whole heap of clients from back home. They want me to manage their accounts. Last week I got a message from some of the biggest companies that want me to manage their accounts."

Kat whistles. "Damn, looks like you're ready to take back your life and you haven't been to the psychologist yet."

"I know." I look out the window towards the house next door to Kat. "I have a few things I need to do before my appointment. I'll talk to you later." Grabbing my keys off the counter I walk out the door and head to my car. I climb into the car and pull away from the house.

When I reach the gate I drive out of it and turn to the right. I press the intercom of the neighbour's gate. I wait for someone to answer.

Voice: hello?

Me: Hi, is there a chance that the owner is in? I would like to give them an offer for the house?

Voice: Hang on a minute. I'll see if they're available.

It's quiet for a while and I wait until they answer me.

Voice: I'm sorry. The house isn't up for sale.

Me: Can I give you my number? Just in case they want to sell. They can call me?

Voice: Okay, let me grab a pen and paper.

I give my phone number and name to them. I thank the voice before driving to the other neighbour's house to do the same thing.

when I press the button no one answers the call, but the gate opens as a car drives towards the road. the car comes to stop and someone steps out. it's a female and she moves towards my car. taping on it. she says. "Excuse me,"

winding down my window I look at her. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you."

"What do you need? there are places I need to go to and if I don't leave soon I'll be late." she looks at the swiss watch on her wrist. "I have five minutes to spare. if you need anything longer you can come back another time."

"I was wondering if you're willing to sell your house? I would like to buy it privately from you if you're willing to sell." grabbing my purse from the passenger seat I pass her the card. "Give me a call when you have the chance. talk it over with your husband."

she takes the card from me. "Thanks, we were thinking of moving closer to our daughter, but things happened and we haven't had a chance to put anything in motion. there was a guy who came by a couple of years ago offering us a large sum of money for the place and we've been meaning to call him. it looks like we've lost his card. since you've come along we'll consider it and will be in touch within the upcoming days."

"Thanks," I reverse the car and head in the direction of the city. turning the radio on I listen to some music from the '90s and a smile spreads across my face. it doesn't take too long before I'm pulling the car onto the side of the street and parking it in front of a huge windowed building in the middle of the city.

climbing out of the car I grab my purse and head towards the building. when I get inside I'm greeted by the security team and the receptionist. I walk over to the lift and look at the directory on the wall.

one of the receptionists step out from behind the desk and walks up to me. she places a hand on her hip. her blonde hair is piled on top of her head. her face has make-up on it. giving her the natural look. "Who are you looking for?"

"Doctor Fieldman's office. which floor can I find her on?" my eyes keep scanning the plaque, but I don't see her name on it.

the woman points at a floor and says. "the building manager hasn't had a chance to update this. you can find Doctor Fieldman on floor number 16. I'll let Andrea come know that you're coming up Miss."

"Donoghue. Eliza Donoghue."

A smile spreads across her face. "It's nice to meet you, Eliza. I'll make the call right away." she heads over to her desk and picks up the phone.

pressing the button for the lift I wait for the doors to open. I step inside and wait for it to take me up to the floor. when I get to the 16th floor I step out and look around the room. there's blue carpet on the ground, that leads towards mahogany desks.

a woman steps out from behind the desk. "hi, you must be Eliza."

"Yes, that's me." I walk over to the couch and take a seat. picking up the magazine I go through one of them and read the stories.

ding, my phone goes off and I pull it out of my purse and look at it.

Kat: how's it going at the psychologist?

me: I'm just waiting to see her.

Kat: Are you coming to work today?

me: yeah, as soon as I finish up here.

me: yeah, as soon as I finish up here

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