Shattered Part II - 7

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Knocking on Austin's parent's door I wait for them to answer.

The door swings open a minute later and standing on the other side is Austin's brother. His blonde hair is falling into his face and in his arms is a baby. A smile spreads across his face. "Hello, Eliza. What are you doing here? You know Austin isn't here right."

Mrs Wilde slaps her son across the back of the head. "Don't be rude to our guest son." She looks behind her and adds. "Take Kylie to her room and don't come out until I get you."

"Why, Mom?" He whines like a kid. "I want to sit at the big table." He winks at me, causing me to laugh.

"Do as your mother says, son." Mr Wilde says. "There are things that we need to discuss with Eliza and we don't need your input."

"What about her?" He points at my sister who is standing close by. "Are you going to have a conversation with her too?"

"Yes, she's here for her sister and I'm not going to turn Katrina away. She was like..."

"Family," Kat cuts in. "Do you remember the times I babysat you and the trouble you got into?"

His face pales and he holds the baby closer to him. "I'm going to my room. Please, don't tell Mom and Dad about the things I did." He says to Kat.

She smiles at him and says. "Cross my heart. Stick a needle in my heart." Kat winks at him before he rushes out of the room with his baby.

I didn't know they were Grandparents. It shows how much I know about the Wilde family.

Things have changed a lot since I last saw them.

Mrs Wilde steps aside and says. "Let's go to the kitchen." She leads the way and we follow her. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"No, thank you. I just came over to say 'goodbye' I'm leaving town."

Mrs Wilde hugs me. "I'm going to miss you, Eliza. Where are you going?"

Turning towards my sister I say. "I'm moving in with Kat and her family until I find a place of my own."

Mr Wilde pulls me into a hug. "Thanks for checking up on us while our kids were out of the house. I'm sorry about the way my son treated you while he was here. After he left..."

Mrs Wilde cuts him off and says. "When Austin left I gave him an ultimatum and he still chose the woman from the City over you. We disowned him because we know that you were the perfect fit for our son and he messed that up terribly. If he would have stayed I know in my heart he would have been happy."

Kat pulls me into her side. "It's his loss and someone else will gain the heart of a caring, beautiful woman like my sister and it shows us all that Austin wasn't supposed to have her in the long run."

A smile appears on Mrs Wilde's face. "I should be upset that you said that, but I've got a lot of things I should be happy about and that's the secret of my Grandchild being here while her father decides what he wants to do with his life."

"Where's Calvin's girlfriend?"

Calvin enters the room and starts filling a baby bottle with formula and makes a bottle for his child. He looks around at us and says. "My girlfriend died during childbirth. The pregnancy was a high risk for her and she still chose to have the baby." His hands form into fists. "She should have listened to the Doctors."

Moving over to him I pull him in for a hug. "I'm sorry for your loss, Calvin. From the way you've been with your..."

"Daughter, her name is Bevin."

I continue what I was going to say before Calvin cut me off. "With Bevin, I can tell you're a natural. She's lucky to have you as a father."

He looks at my stomach before saying. "My brother is an idiot for leaving you knocked up for a slut that sleeps with every guy she crosses."

I'm not holding myself in a specific way to make him think I'm pregnant. How does he know that?

Calvin throws his head back and laughs. "I didn't know you were pregnant, but with you not denying it I can tell I hit the nail with the hammer."

Mrs Wilde screeches and pulls me into a hug. "We're going to be Grandparents again?"

I nod. "Can you keep this from Austin? I don't want him to be apart of my child's life. He's caused me far too much pain and him being around will crush me."

Calvin nods. "I'm not going to say a word to him. Besides, he hasn't returned my phone call after my girlfriend died. I needed his help and he wasn't there for me. If I knew you were in the picture again I would have turned to you."

"How many months is your daughter?"

"She's four months. Why?"

"Austin was with me. I heard his phone go off several times, but he kept turning it off when we were together. He just wanted it to be us." Pulling out the ultrasound picture I give it to Mrs Wilde. "I want you to have this."

She takes it from me. "Thanks, when the baby is due we would like to be there."

Smiling at her I say. "I wouldn't have it any other way. When you do come to the city make people here think you're going on a cruise or something. You know how this town is full of gossips."

"We'll do that for you." Mr Wilde says. "Have fun in the city and please keep in touch."

"I will." I hug Austin's parents and his brother. "I'll see you all soon. Calvin, I want you to be there too. Bring Bevin too. She's going to have a cousin." Looking at the time I see that we should leave for the City. "We have to go, Mr and Mrs Wilde. It was good seeing you."

Kat and I walk out the door and head to the car. "I'll drive." Kat holds her hands out for the keys and I give it to her. "You can sleep for a bit. I know that would have been hard to do." She rounds the car and climbs into the driver's seat.

Opening the passenger door I climb into the car and put my seatbelt on.

Kat pulls away from the curb and we head in the direction of the city.

I turn the radio on and we listen to songs from the '90s and early 2000s.

Kat takes her eyes off the road for a moment and says. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just leaving this place is a bit weird. I was raised here and..." I cut myself off.

"You wanted to raise your kids here too?"

"Yeah, but now this town is tainted and I need to replace it with good memories. Even if it is us living in the City. Maybe, one day I'll be able to find a town just as good as the one we were raised in."


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