Shattered Part II - 72

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There's a knock on the door and I walk over to it and see Mom standing there with a suitcase in her hands. "You're father and I are leaving. When you get the keys to the house let us know and we'll move in."

Hugging her I whisper. "I will. I hope you had fun last night."

She looks at the ground and I see hurt flicker across her face. "All I wanted was one night where my kids would act like decent people, but it looks like you're father and I failed at that when it came to Jasper. I'm sorry he treated Chad and you like that."

"It's not your fault, Mom. Having him act like that is something I'm used to. I don't have to deal with it, which is why I'm going to make sure they have no way of interacting with me."

"What about Nina? The two of you seem in a good place."

I think we are, but I'm not in any hurry to let her into my life fully. When she comes over to Kat's I'll make an appearance. When I have my place I won't be coming over that much. However, I won't stop my parents from seeing her or the others.

"We're okay, Mom. We're taking small steps at the moment and that's enough for me at the moment. When you do move in with me. I want you to spend time with all your kids as well. Just don't let them come to the house. I don't want to see any of them here. Kat's place is the best place for it."

Mom nods. A slight smile appears on her face. "Thanks for being an understanding person. I love the woman that you're becoming. You're going to be a great Mom when the time comes. Don't let anyone say otherwise, Lizzie."

"I won't."

Dad walks toward the pool house and a smile spreads across his face as he spots me at the door with Mom. "Hey, Princess. Are you going to say 'goodbye' to your old man?"

I loved him calling me that when I was growing up.

Running over to him I collide with his body, making sure that the bump isn't in the way. "Of course I'm going to say 'goodbye' to you. Thanks for seeing Frank. It looks like you've brightened his days at the hospital."

He smiles at me. "I think I did. His daughter will have to do the rest on her own. We're going by his house before heading home. I'm telling him that we're moving here soon and that I'll reach out to him when I do."

"He's going to like that, Dad. The two of you can leave where you left off before he moved to the city to keep an eye on your children."

"It looks like I can't do something without you picking up on an ulterior motive to something that I've done. The best thing is that Kat didn't mind having him around. I know they spend time together when everyone is busy and she's alone." Dad drops his arms around me. "I love you, Eliza."

A smile spreads across my face. "I love you too, Dad." Looking at the second bag that's behind him I say. "Let me take that for you." I wheel the suitcase to the car and then Dad lifts it and places it in the trunk.

Chad walks out of the Pool house with a piece of toast in his mouth. "It was a pleasure to see you again, sir." He shakes Dad's hand.

Dad's grip on his hand tightens. "You too, son. Take care of my little girl."

"I will." Chad drops Dad's hand and steps next to me. He wraps his arm around me. "I need to go to the office soon. What time do you think you'll be in?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"You have a few people that are interesting in meeting you today. I told them to swing by the office around 2 pm. I'll be with you during the meeting and then I want to show you the floor that's for your accounting firm."

"Thank you," I kiss his cheek. "What you're doing is enough, Chad. I don't need to be owing you a lot more."

He lifts my chin making me look into his eyes. "You don't owe me anything, Eliza. I'm doing all this because I love you. I also have faith that you're company is going to gain more money and that you're going to be more successful than the ungrateful fools that were here last night."

"There is one person that means their apology and I'm starting to think that I should let her into my life."

"Nina?" Chad asks.

Nodding my head I say. "Yes, she alone since getting kicked out of the house from her husband and there's the case of her missing her son. She shouldn't be dealing with alone."

"I'm not going to tell you not to reach out to her. Just be careful. She might hurt you again and that's something you don't deserve, Liz."

My parents jump into their car and pull away from the house. I wave at them as they leave. Dad beeps the horn before pulling out of the gates.

The gates close behind them.

Chad hugs me once more. "I have to get to the office." He wraps his arms around me and kisses my lips. I deepen the kiss trying to convince him not to go to the office, but it doesn't work as he pulls away. He looks into my eyes and whispers. "Nice, try. It's not going to work. If you seduce me in my office I'll show you a good time."


He winks at me as he climbs into his car. Pulling his window down he says. "The car will be here in an hour to take you to your appointment. After work, I'm taking you to my place where I'll cook dinner and you're sleeping over. Pack an overnight bag." Chad pulls away from the house and heads towards the main road.

Kat looks at the driveway and she doesn't look happy. "Did Mom and Dad leave?"

"Yes, why?"

"Damn, I wanted to ask them about taking the kids for the weekend. So, Sebastian and I can spend time alone."

"You don't have to bother them. I'll take Mia and Logan to Chad's place. We need practice looking after kids before this one comes along."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, now get ready for work. I'll see you when I get to the office." I head back to the pool house and heat the food up that Chad made me.

Once it's heated I sit at the table and start eating breakfast. Grabbing my phone I send Chad a message.

Me: We're taking the kids on the weekend.

Chad: What kids?

Me: Mia and Logan. Kat wants to spend time alone with her husband again.

Chad: They spend far too much time together. No wonder they're about to have a soccer family.

Me: I heard that's what you want.

Chad: So what if it is. I'm sure you're body can handle it.

Son-of-a-bitch. If he was standing in front of me I would kick his ass.

 If he was standing in front of me I would kick his ass

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