Shattered Part II - 53

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After Chad left for work I've been sitting in bed with Mom keeping me company. She turns the TV on to a food channel. My stomach begins to growl. "Do we have to watch this, Mom? It's making me hungry."

Mom laughs. "Of course we have to watch it. Let's see what kind of food I can make for dinner tonight. I'm guessing that lovely man of yours is coming over for dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if he spends the night with you.

The door to the pool house slides open and Dad walks into the room. He moves towards the couch and sits on it. He looks over at us and smiles. "What are my two beautiful women up to today?"

Screwing up my face I say. "I'm on bed rest. That's all I can do and I'm extremely bored. Mom's making me watch some food show and I'm getting hungry watching all the delicious foods that are getting made on it."

He stands up and moves towards the TV. Looking at the foods on the TV. "Damn, you know what that's making me hungry too and I just ate some of your chocolate chip pancakes."

Why didn't she bring me over some of her pancakes? That's my favourite breakfast.


She cuts me off by saying. "You're sister told me not to make anything for you. She had a feeling that you would cook for Chad. Even though you're supposed to be on bed rest. I'll make a fresh batch tomorrow for Chad and you."

"Thank you." I continue to watch the cooking show.

Dad's phone goes off and he looks at it. "I have to go. Frank is asking for me again. It seems like he can't stand to be with his daughter alone. I'm the one that has to referee the two of them when they argue."

"Come here, Dad." He moves over to me and I hug him. "You have to stop interfering. Let them sort things out on their own. She feels like she can't do anything right since her father got injured. She wasn't in the store when the hold-up happened and she feels guilty for not being there with him."

He nods. "I'll make sure that they both talk today. Without any arguments. They need to hear each other out."

A smile spreads across my face. "That's right, Dad. See you when you come home tonight. I love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." He kisses my cheek. Turning towards Mom he says. "Are you going to be okay being here?"

Mom smiles at him. "As long as I have my daughter I'm perfectly fine. If she has a visitor I'll just go to my room and read a book or start cooking dinner. I have no idea what to cook thought."

"Can you make a roast with your famous roasted potatoes and the lemon meringue pie that we saw on TV about five minutes ago?"

"Whatever my daughter wants. She'll get it. Just because she's on bed rest. Do you think your doctor will be okay if you got out of bed for dinner?"

"It's only dinner. I'm sure Chad will carry me to the house so I'm not walking anywhere."

Dad kisses mom on the lips. "I'll see you, later, beautiful." He walks out the door and we continue to watch the show on the TV.

Ding, my phone goes off. Reaching across the nightstand I grab my phone and look at it. 'Chad' appears on the screen with a text message from him. Opening the message I reply.

Chad: What are you doing?

Me: Mom is making me watch some cooking show. It's making me hungry and I'm not allowed to experiment with any of the meals.

Chad: That sucks. What do you crave now?

Me: A chocolate cake and McDonald's. Do you know someone that can deliver that to me?

Chad: I know someone who can deliver it for you.

Me: Can you hurry with the order? The baby wants to be fed.

Chad: Lol, I'll try my best. Do your mom and Dad want anything?

Me: Dad's at the hospital.

Chad: What would your Mom like?

Me: A quarter pounder meal with Diet coke. I'll have a small cheeseburger meal with Diet coke.

Chad: Anything else?

Me: You having lunch with me?

Chad: I'll make that happen.

Me: Thank you.

Chad: You're welcome. I'll see you soon.

After that message, I don't reply to him. Leaning back on the pillows I look at the ceiling. "Mom, can we watch a movie? This cooking show is making me tired."

Mom looks over at me. "Sure," she flicks through Netflix until she comes across a movie for us to watch. "You should be sleeping too, sweetheart. That will help with being on bed rest too. Resting is part of it."

I know.

Last night I slept better than I have in a while and it had everything to do with the man I was sharing the bed with.

Towards the end of the movie the door to the pool house opens and chad walks through the door with McDonald's and chocolate cake. He sets the cake on the counter and grabs three plates from the cupboard and puts food on each plate. He hands mom her plate first before bringing his and mine over to the bed. "Hey, beautiful. I told you I'd get here when I could."

A smile spreads across my face. "I know and thank you for coming over as quick as you did. The baby and I are hungry." I pick up a French fry and begin eating it.

After lunch, Chad turns the TV off and stands up. He picks up all the dishes and walks over to the kitchen to clean up. Once everything is in the dishwasher he turns towards me and says. "Mom bought some stuff for you. That way you're not bored while being on bed rest. I'll get them now." Chad walks out the door.

Mom grabs my hand. "I'm going to leave you in that man's capable hands." she stands up and grabs her walking stick. She makes her way out of the pool house and goes back to the house.

I'm alone for a couple of minutes.

Standing up I make my way to the bathroom and use the toilet. Once I'm done I wash my hands and head back to the room. Before I can take a step into the room Chad scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bed. "You should have waited for me to come back."

I place my hands on his face. "Chad, I'm not an invalid. I can walk myself. A little stretch of my legs won't kill the baby or me. Just let me do some stuff alone. Like using the toilet."

He picks up the bag he had in his hand before carrying me and places it on me. "All of this is for you."

Opening the bag I see puzzles, books and a camera. Taking the camera out I look at it and see that it's been charged. I start taking pictures of things in the room. Aiming the camera at chad I take a picture of him. He has a smile on his face and then he starts posing for me.

After fifteen minutes, of taking pictures of Chad takes the camera from me. "You need to get some rest. You're mother told me that you have been watching some TV."

Getting myself comfy in bed I look over at him and say. "I can't fall asleep. You need to climb in."

Chad climbs into bed with me and I curl into his side. He picks up his computer and starts it up, while I go to sleep.

 He picks up his computer and starts it up, while I go to sleep

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