You and me (we got this)

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In retrospect, Jennie's first meeting with her hot new neighbour probably could have gone a lot better.

She was tired. And hungry. And tired. And possibly hallucinating from too many energy drinks and – hey, did she mention she was tired? Listen: Jennie is a med student. She spends half of her time in a zombie state. So sue her.

She's walking back from her last exam of the semester, up the ridiculous amount of stairs in her apartment building, when she suddenly finds herself looking at the ceiling. There's a face above hers, too, asking "What the hell?"

This is no ordinary face. This is the face of a goddess. Jennie has lived in her new apartment a whole week and she has never seen this beautiful woman before. She's tall, with sharp cheekbones and brown hair pulled back from her face. She's dressed in shorts and a shirt, like she's going jogging.

Jennie says, "Um. I'm..." She goes to say 'sorry', then wonders if she should introduce herself, and what comes out is, "Shennie."

"You're... Shennie?"

"I'm sorry," Jennie rushes to say. "And Jennie. I mean, my name is Jennie. And I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm, uh. Yeah. This is – this is embarrassing. I'm really tired and I wasn't watching where I was going and – Please say something or I'll keep talking forever."

The goddess raises an eyebrow, looking faintly amused. "Lisa. I live next door." Then she turns on her heel and starts for the stairs.

"You're not – you're not going to help me up?"

"I'm late for my jog. Good luck, Shennie."

Jennie's head falls back against the floor and she stares up at the ceiling. Shennie. She's never going to live that down.

With a groan, Jennie crawls to her feet and stumbles to her door, unlocking it after six tries and collapsing on her porch.


She sleeps for thirteen hours and wakes to very loud banging beside her head. She's fallen asleep with her head against the front door and her knees pulled to her chest. When she stands, she aches, neck sore from the awkward position.

She opens the door with a grumble. Rosé pushes past her into the apartment, followed by Jisoo.

"Sure, sure, come in," says Jennie. "Make yourself at home."

They both ignore her. Jisoo says, "Your neighbour is really hot. She was leaving her house when we were banging on your door. Terrifying, but hot."

"She kind of hates me." Jennie sighs, turning on the kettle and grabbing the coffee out of the cupboard. "I bumped into her last night on my way back from my exam. Literally."

"How'd that go, the exam?" asks Rosé, at the same time Jisoo shouts, "Get in there, Kim."

"The exam was fine. And I'm never going to 'get in there', Jisoo, didn't you hear me? She hates me."

"Did she explicitly say that she hates you?"

"Well, no. But she refused to help me up."

"Ah," says Rosé. "Young love."

"Just because you've been in a relationship since you were sixteen doesn't mean the rest of us are puppies."

"In a relationship with the hottest guy ever," sighs Jisoo.

Jennie can't really refute that.

"I'm not gonna hit on my neighbour," she says. "It would make things weird. And, like I said, she doesn't like me at all."

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