It's (not) a prank

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Lisa was late.

Lisa was super late.

The class was going to start in five minutes and she was still trying to find a spot to dump her bike because this was her third bike this year, the result of leaving the previous two unattended in the campsite and when she returned, they were stolen. This time she had prepared herself to bring a chain lock.

"Ah ha!" she exclaimed in relief when she saw a group of bikes parked in a corner. With her time stay on the campus, there was one thing she learned, that a bike would be likely stolen if it was parked alone. The more bikes around, the less chance for any of them to be stolen.

Lisa hurriedly shoved her bike in between a green one and a yellow one and was about to sprint off when the heavy chains in her hand reminded her that the bike should be secured because she couldn't afford another bike. So she tried to unlock the chains as quickly as possible and rounded it around the frame of her bike with the poll where was next to the green bike. It took her a bit of strength to be able to stretch the chain far enough and when the bell in the hall went off, she just locked the chains and dashed to her class.


Lisa yawned as she walked out of the class. It was a boring day, at least for her, and if today didn't have that important midterm exam, she would have had stayed back at the dorm and sleep away. Her roommate, Seulgi, snuck in an exotic wine from Europe and Lisa couldn't help but try. It wasn't too strong but she made her sleep longer and almost missed the exam.

Whose bright idea was to drink a brand new type of wine right before midterm? Well, it was hers.

The sleepiness kept following her until she stepped out of the hall and headed back to the spot where she parked her bike. Lisa didn't rush because she knew her bike was still there.

Surprisingly, there wasn't only the bike that was waiting for her. A girl in white shirt and black pants, with her black hair tied up on her head in a ponytail, was standing next to her bike, arms crossed and tapping her feet. Why did she look so familiar?

Lisa casually walked to her bike and sneakily stole a glance at the girl. Woah. What a good-looking girl. She had gorgeous eyes and those eyes were staring at Lisa, which startled her.

"Hey, is that bike yours?" asked the girl.

"Huh?" Lisa faced her, seeing that she was pointing at her bike, "Yes, that's my bike. What's up?"

"What's up?" The other girl sent her a look, "It's locked with my bike, that's what's up."

Lisa looked down and the air caught in her throat. The chain that was supposed to lock the frame of her bike with the poll next to the green bike, was wrapping around both of the bikes' frames. Mentally slapping herself, she lifted her head to apologetically say, "I'm so sorry about this."

When Lisa was about to take the key and unlock the chain, the other girl spoke again, "Who could be so dumb? Locking two bikes together?"


Lisa's hand stayed in her pocket. "Hold up, they have their reason, I bet."

"Like?" the girl arched an eyebrow, challengingly asked.

"Um... maybe they were late for class," Lisa indirectly defended herself, trying not to be too obvious, "and they didn't pay attention to which things they were locking together."

"Oh, please," cooed the girl as she waved a hand, "No one can mistake a giant poll with a bike."

Lisa felt her pride being punched, she pointed at the bikes, "Well obviously someone did. We have a proof here."

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