You two are dancing in a snow globe (round and round)

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"Alright." Jennie nodded, more to herself than Nayeon as her brain kicked into work mode. "I'm in, but I'm gonna need a really great photographer."

"Already done. The CEO of Modern Era Bridal managed to get her hands on an incredible photographer who's flying in from New York just for the shoot." Nayeon beamed. "You're going to be working with Lisa Manoban."


Six Years Earlier

The Christmas lights glistened in the corner of her eye as Jennie kept her sight on the door, eagerly waiting for Lisa to walk in. She had always adored the holiday season - the nostalgia, the joy and generosity - but it was different with someone to share it with. The holidays carried a soft, warm glow in Jennie's heart - memories of her mom smiling as she carried a tiny Jennie down the stairs to see what Santa had left for her.

Jennie was left alone. She had spent the remainder of her Christmases before college by herself at home, although the staff ensured that she was never truly alone. They would help her decorate the tree and bake gingerbread cookies, they always chipped in and bought her a Christmas gift, and in return Jennie would save up her allowance and buy them each a small present. She tried to personalize them as much as possible, desperate to truly convey her gratitude to each and every one of them for everything that they had done for her, purely out of the goodness of their hearts.

After all, despite everything, Jennie still found an odd sense of comfort in the holiday season. People were nicer, they became more generous. The world seemed a little more united, and a little less lonely. It didn't matter what you were going through, it didn't matter who you were or who your family was. Everyone could come together and appreciate the sight of a beautifully decorated tree. Everyone could find a small amount of joy in the first crunch of freshly fallen snow.

"Whoa." the sound of her girlfriend entering the room cause Jennie to turn, eyes immediately taking in everything that they could as Lisa snapped a couple photos of her with the camera strung around her neck. She had been a little camera shy at first, but after a few years Jennie had grown so accustomed to Lisa taking photos of everything that she barely even noticed it anymore, it wasn't until she was shown the resulting pictures that she even realized they were taken most of the time.

"Whoa yourself." Jennie agreed, heels clicking loudly on the hardwood floor as she made her way over. Lisa immediately set the camera down and her hands moved to her waist, smoothing warmly over the silky material of Jennie's dress whilst Jennie's went to her girlfriend's neck, adjusting her tie with a soft smile.

"You look beautiful." Lisa complimented as Jennie puckered her lips and pressed a quick kiss to Lisa's, careful not to get any lipstick on her face. "I wish I could kiss you properly."

"We'll have plenty of time for that later, you know your mom will kill us if we're late to the party." Jennie reminded her.

It had become a yearly tradition, ever since Jennie's first year of college when Lisa found out that she was planning to stay on campus for the holidays to give her staff some time with their own families. She traveled with Lisa back to Busan that year at her insistence, and was incredibly excited to find out that her family held a yearly Christmas Eve party at the town hall.

The whole town came out and celebrated the holidays together, they brought gifts for those less fortunate and left donations to the animal shelter. There were raffles for the school and a delicious array of home-made treats. Jennie had happily helped decorate the hall beforehand alongside Lisa's mother, Lisa and her big sister, Rosé. They'd strung up twinkly lights and tinsel, strategically placed mistletoe around the doorways, teamed up with the DJ to orchestrate the perfect Christmas Eve music and then set up the gift table.

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