Clowning is a trick to get love close

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Jennie had seen some weird things in her time as a doctor. Besides the obvious fact that she spent a good portion of her time cutting bodies open, the hospital was a place crawling with weird people who did weird things. She didn't even want to talk about some of the x-rays she had seen - the ones where people seemingly decided to use things that definitely weren't pockets as pockets.

Curiosity killed a lot of things.

The point being she'd seen really odd things, especially around Halloween when people thought putting on a costume meant they were more than they usually were, and thus could take the opportunity to do incredibly stupid things. Incredibly stupid. Like jump-out-a-window-because-they-were-wearing-a-cape stupid.

So Jennie had seen some odd things, but somehow nothing struck her more than the sight of a person sprinting down the corridor of the paediatric ward with a bright red nose, a full face of makeup and a child sitting on their shoulders, shaking with unrestrained laughter. Struck enough that she puts her charts aside to throw a confused look Bobby's way in the hope that he would prove what she had seen wasn't simply a hallucination built off the back of a severe lack of sleep.

"Was that a clown?" She asks incredulously.

"Huge shoes, kinda clumsy?" Bobby inquires, looking up from his own work at the nurses' station to give Jennie his attention. It's at that exact moment Jennie registers the perfectly timed crash that sounds down the hall and the called out 'sorry' that follows, the one that holds too much laughter to sound properly sincere but still threatens to make a smile spread across Jennie's lips.

(She had a feeling that particular laugh was the reason not one person had decided to mention the many safety regulations the clown had clearly violated even in the short time Jennie had been here).

"Sounds like an apt description."

"That would be Lisa," he offers with a chuckle and Jennie almost finds herself asking another question before her thought process is interrupted by a loud cheer and yet another crash - something was definitely going to get broken today and Jennie for one was itching to get away from the carnage.

"Paeds is ridiculous," she mentions offhandedly, gathering her stuff together in an attempt to escape before she did something stupid like ask Bobby more questions about the clown with the musical laughter and find herself the new hottest gossip around the hospital. She will never make the same mistake the newest doctor in paeds had when she congratulated Taeyeon on 'her face' on her first day right in front of a gaggle of nurses; the woman still hadn't managed to shake that one off (Jennie personally still mocked Taeyeon about it to this day).

"You're ridiculous," Bobby quips back indignantly like Jennie personally slighted him with the comment and she can't help but chuckle at the heat hidden behind the ludicrous insult.

"Good one, Bobby."

"I'm stuck with kids all day, Jennie; I don't exactly have astute sparring partners." Somehow Jennie can fully imagine Bobby getting into heated arguments with children over stupid things like what flavour jello was the best and which superhero would win in a fight over another superhero (and yes, she could easily picture that because she herself had been in that position, and yes, she would continue to argue for orange jello until her dying breath).

"Maybe you should get out more."

"Says the woman whose only friends work in this hospital and, before you say it, no, Ben and Jerry don't count." Well that was just unfair. Jennie didn't have time for other friends besides ice cream and Taeyeon who had loved forcing her into friendship and monopolising her time since the day they met.

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