This might sound conceited but I've got the sweetest living recipe

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"I can't believe you took me out to this restaurant. It's way fancier than anywhere we've ever been," Jennie noted, looking around at the detailed décor that was throughout the restaurant.

Letting out a small chuckle, Lisa looked at Jennie with nothing but love in her eyes, "I just thought that this date should be special. We have been dating for over six years, I just thought a fancy restaurant would be exciting."

Smiling at the girl who stole her heart all those years ago, Jennie said, "And it is exciting, it's just that I wasn't expecting it."

"Just like you hadn't been expecting that offer from UCLA our senior year," Lisa remarked to Jennie.

After Lisa's comment, both girls thought back on that day and what had happened.


It was their senior year and Lisa was talking to Jennie about some assignment for calculus when Coach Smith approached them.

"I just heard from UCLA, they're offering you a full ride, Jennie." Coach Smith excitedly announced, happy to see that Jennie's hard work over the past year had paid off. She was proud of how Jennie had managed to balance her life at home with track, and her relationship with Lisa with track. And that's when it hit her, she had heard nothing about Lisa, and here she was celebrating with Jennie right in front of Lisa. Smith was surprised, however, when Lisa spoke up and said something.

"Babe! You did it!" Lisa exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend in a hug. She had seen how hard Jennie had worked since devoting her life to getting recruited to UCLA, and she felt nothing but happiness for Jennie.

Jennie was still too stunned to speak; she didn't think she would ever stand a chance at actually being offered a full ride to UCLA. She felt Lisa hug her, but she was too stunned to really hug her back. After the initial surprise wore off, her mind instantly went to Lisa and what this meant for her girlfriend, because she really hadn't really thought about what would happen if she got a scholarship and Lisa didn't. Eventually, she managed to say, "I can't believe this is happening. Thank you so much for training me this past year Coach."

"It's been my honor kiddo," Smith said, smiling, before she added, "I better let you two get to class now, though, but I had to tell you before word got around." Smith clapped Jennie on the back before walking away back to her office.

"Look at me, dating the next superstar of UCLA's track team," Lisa gushed, kissing Jennie on the cheek quickly before waiting for the shorter girl to say something. When Jennie didn't say anything, Lisa could tell something was wrong, so she asked, "Are you okay, Babe?"

Shrugging the question off, Jennie said, "Yeah, we can talk about this later, but we really should get to class." After saying this, Jennie started walking off to their next class.

Lisa walked after her, left to think about what was wrong with Jennie, which she would manage to figure out later.

It wasn't until after school at Jennie's house that Lisa was finally able to get Jennie to talk about it. They had just finished sharing the news with Jennie's parents, and were now working on homework up in Jennie's bedroom. "So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you, or no? You just found out you're being offered a full ride, and you're acting like you just found out your cat died." Lisa said to Jennie, concern laced throughout her voice.

"I know you won't quit pestering until I tell you, so I guess I'll cut to the chase," Jennie nervously began, "Yeah, I'm happy I got offered the scholarship, because I worked hard to get it. But, you also worked just as hard as me, and they didn't offer you anything. It's not fair."

a little bit of black with a little bit of pinkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant