I'm trash, help the environment and pick me up at 7?

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Lisa's not even sure why she let Jisoo talk her into getting tinder. It wasn't really something she'd usually find herself doing. She was more kind of hoping that she'd accidentally bump into the love of her life in a coffee shop and she'd brave the coffee burns because her smile was just so pretty that nothing else mattered. Or they'd have competing stores on the same street. Or she'd be the cute girl who worked at the bookshop she always had to go to for overpriced academic textbooks and they'd hit it off over their inability to function as adults.

Something cliché.

Not the whole swipe, swipe, goose thing.

But, after finally being honest with herself enough to say the words I'm gay out loud she had kinda been on cloud nine, and her friends had been incredibly supportive - Rosé gave some speech about how she was proud of Lisa for overcoming society's heteronormative programming and Jisoo had fist bumped her with her signature jock grin and then she played on her good faith, and seeming inability to put her foot down around her friends, and forced her onto tinder.

Maybe forced wasn't quite the right word. Gently coerced. Slightly nudged her at the edge of a cliff and let gravity do its job. No that was infinitely more sinister. Jisoo convinced her it was a good idea.

Jisoo actually made it sound kind of amazing but then she'd left her to her own devices and she couldn't figure out why she kept using it, couldn't figure out why she even opened the app considering it gave her extreme anxiety every time she saw that tiny flame. Extreme anxiety that only quadrupled when she came across a profile that sent her into a complete tailspin.


Genuine, actual Jennie.

She doesn't like it at first, or heart it or swipe it or whatever the hell it is that she's supposed to do with it because she's too busy freaking out that it's even a thing, like she's been oddly obsessed with staring at the back of Jennie's head since elementary school freak-out, like Jennie discovering her true self just happened to completely coincidentally coincide with her discovering she was a massive lesbian freak-out, like she's had a crush on her for as long as she really knew what a crush is but squashed it down because she was sure she was dating Mino Oh freak-out.

She was good at squashing. So good. But how was she supposed to squash when her most valid reasons for squashing had been thrown so thoroughly out of the window because Jennie was on tinder. Jennie was single, and on tinder, and Lisa had seen her profile which meant her preferences were set to girls and Lisa was a girl and why on earth did she open tinder in a public place? Who opened tinder in a public place? Who opened tinder in a public place and then starting having a semi-asthma attack because their crush was on tinder? Lisa. Lisa did.

And, because the universe seemed to have it out for her for some reason, the library also happened to be exactly where said crush was. Two tables away, actually doing her own work instead of freaking out on dating apps. And Lisa couldn't stop staring. Seriously she'd tried twice. Three times. And every time her eyes flicked straight back over to the otherwise empty table.

The otherwise empty table that housed Jennie. Jennie who was on tinder and oh my god Jennie was on tinder and what if she'd seen Lisa's profile too? Why had she let Jisoo do her bio? 'I'm trash, help the environment and pick me up at seven?' She was going to kill her, and then herself, and then go to hell just to somehow kill her another time because Jennie had probably seen it and thought she was a weirdo and swiped whatever way means no and laughed about it with her friends and looked up and noticed that Lisa was just staring at her from across the room and spacing out-

She was looking at Lisa.

And she was... waving? It's small and unsure of itself and there's a look on Jennie's face that says she has no idea why she's actually waving that has her immediately returning to her book like the whole thing hadn't happened before Lisa can talk herself into waving too.

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