Some killer queen you are , part 2

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II. Strawberry lipstick state of mind

The last time Jennie had gone on a date, it had ended with her coming home two hours early and listening to music turned up so loud that her ears rang for hours afterward. A bad date wasn't the end of the world, Jennie knew that, but the rejection still smarted months later.

Maybe that was why Jennie's apartment looked like a literal dump.

"I mean, what do I even wear?"

She was video chatting with Yena, who was very patiently walking Jennie through every step of the preparations.

"What do you usually wear to an amusement park?"

"Well, usually, I wear my uniform."

"Wildcat, stop it, you're gonna make me mess up my nails," Yena guffawed. She was painting her nails a "pale shade of pearlescent pink", as she had described the color to Jennie, her phone propped up in front of her.

"Yena, come on, you gotta help me here," Jennie pleaded, picking up a graphic t-shirt advertising some kids show from the eighties before tossing it back into the mess with a huff. "I don't know how to do this. I'm supposed to meet her in half an hour." She threaded her fingers through her hair and tugged angrily.

"Just wear something cute and casual, but a little nicer than something you'd wear to lie on the floor in Yujin's basement. Like..." Yena tapped her chin with one freshly painted nail. "Oh! Wear that shirt you wore to my birthday!"

Jennie knew exactly the shirt Yena was talking about. A black tank top, cropped to just above the waist, and with a large white graphic of the moon splashed across the chest, it was, possibly, perfect.

"That... might actually be a good idea." Jennie held up her phone and smiled at Yena, whose cheeks were the same pretty pink as her nails. "Thanks."

"Gosh, of course," Yena gushed. "Wow, look at us! Video chatting, picking out clothes, swapping gossip... we're practically best friends!"

"We are best friends, you dork." Jennie laughed as she dug through yet another pile of clothes in search of the moon shirt.

"I was so right about you and Lisa, too. I knew you'd like her." Jennie never would have thought Yena could sound so smug, and yet.

"Uhh, no. I don't like her." Jennie caught sight of the moon graphic peeking out from underneath the coffee table. "A-ha! There you are." She tugged the shirt triumphantly from its place, wincing as she smacked her head against the coffee table.

"You don't like her even though she brings you presents and comes to the park in pouring rain and has eyes that make you think of a coral reef." It was a statement, not a question.

"I should not have told you that," Jennie groaned. "I only said that because the reefs are dying, just like any affection Lisa has for me." She flipped her phone over and tugged her tank top over her head.

"I know that's not the reason you said it." Jennie could hear the goofy grin in her best friend's voice, bordering on smug. "You like her, or you wouldn't have said yes to this date."

"Maybe it's a pity date."

"Wildcat, you wouldn't be calling me for outfit advice if this was a pity date. And besides, that would be too mean, even for you. This girl is one smitten kitten."

Jennie grabbed her very best ripped jeans off the couch and stepped into them, trying and failing not to accidentally put her feet through the holes. "Nothing is too mean for me, and Lisa is not smitten. Oh, hey, you finished!"

a little bit of black with a little bit of pinkWhere stories live. Discover now