Quick Fix

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Lisa's not a bad driver.

In fact, she takes pride in her spotless record because she's never got a ticket, never ran over anybody, and never crashed her car.

Until now.

Lisa's sitting behind the wheel, eyes wide with disbelief as she surveys the scene in front of her. Her neighbor, Rosé's very brand new BMW (she knows it's new because it still had the plastic covers in the seats) is in front of her with a huge dent in the bumper, courtesy of Lisa's Audi.

Lisa takes a deep breath and looks around her surroundings. There was nobody there. Nobody saw anything. She could fix this before Rosé found out. She slowly parks her car in the space next to the BMW and goes out. Looking at her surroundings one more time, Lisa dashes in their building and runs to her apartment.

The door opens with a loud bang and Lisa quickly shuffles inside, going straight for her laptop in the coffee table. She almost drops it and curses under her breath, hands shaking as she opens up Google and types How to fix a large dent in car FAST. Several options pops up and Lisa clicks a few of them. She opens the first one and scans the materials, hot glue, dry ice- Lisa quickly closes the tab because what the hell is dry ice?! She opens the second tab and this one involves taking out the bumper, so no, she is not taking out the bumper of a car that probably costs more than what she makes in a year. She closes the tab and goes to the last one, a YouTube tutorial. This method only involves a hammer and a hair blower, and it looks pretty simple.

Lisa puts her laptop back in the table and runs a hand across her hair, she has a blower but where the hell would she get a hammer? She goes to her room and grabs her blower. Lisa walks back to the living room and scans the area hoping that a hammer would magically appear in front of her. After a few seconds of staring into space she remembers something. There's a supply closet at the end of the hall, maybe there's a hammer inside. With blower still in hand, Lisa walks out of her apartment, she closes the door behind her, and quickly jogs to the supply closet. Luckily the hall is empty so she doesn't need to explain to anyone why she's running with a fucking hair dryer in her hand. She reaches the door to the closet and quickly turns the knob, but it doesn't open.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Of course it's locked. Lisa's getting agitated now, Rosé could be back any minute, hell she doesn't even know if Rosé's home or not, maybe her neighbor is in her apartment, cleaning or something. Lisa looks around the hall, Rosé's door is closed. She walks slowly to the door, trying to listen to any noise behind it, but she was met with silence. Okay, Rosé isn't home. This is good, I still have time. Maybe I can get Will to fix it, or maybe I could just leave it and pretend that I didn't do it.

Lisa's conversation with herself is interrupted when the door next to Rosé's swings open, and Jennie Kim comes out. Jennie Kim, the girl who was the reason why Lisa hit Rosé's car in the first place. Because Lisa has a huge fucking crush on her and when Jennie passed by in front her earlier, she got distracted and forgot that her foot was still in the pedal. She glances at Lisa and she stops at her tracks, her eyebrows raising.

Holy shit. She knows. She probably saw me hit the car earlier. Lisa fidgets with the wire of the blower that she's holding while trying to look at anywhere but Jennie. Jennie just stares at her, expression unreadable. This goes on for about a minute until Lisa can't take it anymore.

"What?" She snaps, and Jennie immediately shakes her head.

"I'm sorry," She says, holding her hands up. "It's just that, I didn't expect to see you in front of Rosé's door, well I don't expect to see you in front of anyone's door actually. Not that I'm expecting you in my door. Heh. That would be silly." Jennie rambles, her cheeks turning red.

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