Take me out (take me home)

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Lisa's playing baseball in the park and swings just a little too hard, and the ball hits Jennie right in the head. And Jennie falls just a little in love.


"Jennie, seriously. Go and take a break before I get Irene to assist me in physically dragging you out of the office," Jisoo says exasperatedly.

Jennie looks up at her, brows raised. "Jisoo, come on. I'm almost done with this, I just need a few more minutes." She continues working through the pile of paperwork on her desk, pointedly ignoring Jisoo's elaborate arm gestures to indicate intense frustration.

"That's what you said two hours ago. And this is what you always say," Jisoo says, eyebrows raising. "All my hair will be grey by the time you leave this office. Jennie, let me take over for a bit. Pretty please?"

Jennie sighs. "I can do it, it's okay. Trust me on this, I'll be out of the office by seven tonight."

Jisoo gasps like that's the most heinous crime she's ever heard of. "Jennie! You just said you only needed a few minutes." After a moment, she sniffs indignantly. "Okay, that's it."

Jennie feels the pen in her hand being snatched from her, and she looks up at Jisoo, one eyebrow raised. "Seriously? Are we five?"

"Yes," Jisoo replies, throwing the pen in the trash.

Jennie grins. "Jisoo, that pen is expensive."

"You can afford a new one," Jisoo replies, not missing a beat. "I'll even buy you a new one. Or fish it out of the trash for you later. But for now," she says, pointing to the door of the office, "please exit this sad room."

Jennie stands up, shaking her head with a small laugh. "Should've known not to argue with you, Chichu."

"Jennie. No Chichu. Come on, we talked about this." Jisoo gives her a stern look. At Jennie's raised eyebrows, she sniffs indignantly. "Don't even start with me right now, Kim. I'm out here caring about you and doing you a favor, and this is how you repay me? By resurfacing a memory from the depressing recesses of my childhood? Why are we even friends?"

"Because you took my bra by accident in college. We've been over this," Jennie says, walking around her desk and stopping in front of Jisoo. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a walk in the park. I'll be back in seventeen minutes and four seconds."

Jisoo rolls her eyes affectionately and gently nudges Jennie toward the door. "Just go, dork. I'll see you later. Go meet someone hot in the park and get laid. God knows you need it."

Jennie smacks her. "Shut up. I have adequate sex."

"The fact that you just said the word 'adequate' to describe how active your sex life is goes to show just how active it is. Which is not a lot."

Jennie glares at her.

Jisoo laughs. "Go and take a break, okay? For yourself. And me."

Jennie grins, which then turns into a soft smile. "Love you, Jisoo."

Jisoo smiles back at her, moving around the desk and sitting in the chair. "Love you too."

Jennie ends up taking three minutes and nineteen seconds to walk to the park, so that means that she only has roughly fourteen minutes left before she can return to continue with her paperwork.

It's not that she doesn't want to stop working, it's more that she has many things to oversee, and she'd just feel crappy if she didn't do her job responsibly. She's never been one to half-ass her job, so despite how demanding it can be at times, she's vowed to be ready for whatever comes.

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