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Jennie is going to kill Rosé.

No, really. Her roommate had practically forced her to come to this stupid amusement park - and that only after bribery, begging and threatening to call her mother hadn't worked. Asking nicely also hadn't - Jennie didn't have the time or the motivation to do anything other than work on her assignments and study. But it's a long weekend, and Rosé had made her, so here she is. (She didn't exactly want to lose the one friend she had.)

But then, Rosé had gone with her on exactly one ride, led her to the line for the next one, and promptly ran away to go throw up. She said she'd be back, but Jennie's almost at the front of the line, and Rosé is nowhere in sight. The sign five people in front of her practically screams at her:


Jennie sighs and turns around one last time to see if Rosé hasn't magically appeared in the last three seconds, but no such luck. The roller coaster screeches to a stop in front of her and she makes a decision - she'll just not go. Sure, it'll look embarrassing, trying to weave her way back to the entry point through this monster line, but people will just think she's scared. Which she is, anyway, she's not the biggest fan of roller coasters - so it's not even lying. (They don't have to know that the thought of sharing that small carriage with a complete stranger scares her far more than the roller coaster itself does.) She's just about to turn around and begin her shuffling when the employee at the front of the line shouting gets her attention.

"Any other singles?"

She waits, secure in her decision to skip this ride and go find Rosé so they could go back to their dorm, but not wanting to draw attention to herself by going against the flow. No other single rider comes forward, and Jennie makes the mistake of looking up front at the person who's in need of a partner just as the employee speaks again. (And of course it's a gorgeous girl about her age, all blonde hair and exposed arms in a loose tank top. Fuck, Jennie's gay. She can already feel her resolve slipping.)

"Sorry, kid, looks like you'll have to wait for the next one."

The girl he's talking to nods, smiling sadly at him, obviously trying to be nice about the whole thing, but she can't quite hide the pout her lips slip into - and it's the pout that does it. This girl just looks ridiculously adorable with her face like that, and she crosses her arms and leans against the wall to wait, and Jennie just - Jennie is too fucking gay for this.

"I'll do it with her! I mean - I'll ride with - I'll go on the ride with her."

Her face feels like it's twice its normal temperature by the time she finishes talking. If Rosé were here she'd be laughing her ass off at the unintentional innuendos that somehow always make their way out of Jennie's mouth when there's a pretty girl around. Then again, if Rosé were here, she wouldn't be in this situation at all, would she? But then this cute girl also wouldn't be able to go on the ride, and Jennie doesn't know why, but she knows she can't allow that. (She does. It's because she's a useless lesbian and this girl is pretty.) Soon she's being ushered forward and strapped into the carriage.

"Thank you so much! I'm actually here with my sister and her girlfriend and the girlfriend's kid, but Ella - that's the kid - was feeling sick so her mom took her away, and Seulgi was going to ride with me because she knows I love roller coasters, but she was looking at them so pitifully so I told her to just go. She's sickeningly in love with both of them, it's adorable - I should probably introduce myself before telling you my whole family history, huh? I'm Lisa," she says, grinning.


"It's nice to meet you, Jennie. Why are you single?"

I mean, it's probably because I'm a workaholic who barely ever leaves her dorm room except to go to the library, but I'd like to say it's because I was waiting for you.

a little bit of black with a little bit of pinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora