Some killer queen you are , part 1

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I. I think about it everyday and night I can't let go

"Can I have your ticket please?" Jennie said in a bored voice, blowing a large pink bubble with her gum and letting it burst with a loud pop. The booth was way too hot, and this girl was way too perky for a time before noon.

"I don't know, can you?" The blonde girl raised her eyebrows, smirking.

Jennie narrowed her eyes, leaning forward off the edge of her seat. "What, are you an English teacher or something? Give me the f- give me the ticket already." She had not gotten very much sleep the previous night and this was testing her nerves at a level she was not prepared for.

"I don't think you're supposed to talk to customers like that," Blonde said, passing the ticket across the counter. "And I'm not an English teacher, I just appreciate good grammar."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jennie waved her hand, then glanced down at Blonde's University sweatshirt. "Thank you for your business, and have a nice day, Princess." Jennie passed the park wristband over the counter, into the other girl's waiting hand.

Blonde laughed at that. "You too," her eyes flicked down to the ticket girl's name tag, "Jennie."

And with a bright grin, she ran off to join her friends, leaving Jennie to deal with the next customer.


"Hey, Wildcat!" Jennie's friend and manager, Yena, joined her in the break room, arms opened wide for a bear hug that Jennie reluctantly accepted. "How's your day going?"

"Alright." Jennie shrugged, returning to rummaging through her locker for a hair tie. "They still haven't fixed the air conditioning in the ticket booth."

"If it's not fixed by tomorrow, I'll do it myself," Yena promised, going over to the communal fridge and pulling out her sandwich.

"Thanks, Yena." Jennie finally wrestled a hair tie from her backpack and turned to face her friend with a small smile.

"So, any interesting customers so far today?" Yena asked through a mouthful of sandwich.

"Well, Yujin tried to come steal bolts from the roller coasters again," Jennie said as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. "Security got her, threatened to cut her hair off if she comes back. Same old, same old. And, uhh.... there was a girl who corrected me on my grammar?"

Yena's body shook with laughter, and she literally slapped her knee. Jennie hadn't thought it was that funny.

"What exactly did she say?" Yena choked out after a minute, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Um, I said 'Can I have your ticket please', and she said, like, 'I don't know, can you?'" Maybe it was actually funnier than Jennie had realized. "Like, who says that?"

"Oh, gosh, Wildcat, I-" Yena suddenly stopped laughing and set her sandwich down on the counter. "Wait, what did she look like? Describe her to me."

"Blonde ponytail, big eyes, wearing university sweatshirt, about ye high?" Jennie raised a hand to a point roughly two inches above her head. "Why do you want to know?"

Yena's eyes brightened, and a smile spread across her face. "That's Lisa Manoban!" Yena giggled, picking up her sandwich again. "She goes to my gym. She's very nice." Yena's gaze flicked up to meet Jennie's eyes. "And single."

Jennie laughed incredulously, backing away until her back hit the lockers. "Oh, no no no. We are not doing this again."

"Why not?" Yena protested, setting her sandwich aside and walking over to grasp Jennie's hands. "You haven't dated anyone in forever."

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