Read My Mind

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Jennie's been crushing on the hot bartender for months, years even, but she's never actually had a real conversation with her. Not like that's stopped Jennie's mind from running wild, fantasizing about a life and... other things with Lisa freaking Manoban.

And when said hot bartender interrupts Jennie's magnificent mind reading trick to win free drinks from her friends, she's forced to actually talk to the woman who constantly runs through her mind...

This should go well.


"As you can see, there's no way I can see through the napkin." Jennie waves it over the table, casually showing her tipsy friends the very blank, very white backside of a paper napkin.

"Sana, you could have picked any word you wanted, right? We didn't talk before this, set up some elaborate story?"

"Nope. I'm just along for the ride."

"Okay, let's ball this up here, so I can get a feeling of the word." Jennie crumples the napkin into her fist. "I'm getting..." She flutters her eyes, a perfect impression of Trinity in The Matrix, which is a bit overdramatic but sometimes close up magic calls for a little flair.

"A color," Jennie smiles. "A cool color, like trees, maybe."

Sana leans forward, giving away instantly that she's on the right track. Even Jisoo perks up a bit, so Jennie continues with her elaborate act. "Wait. It's not just a color. There's something more. You wrote two words down!" Jennie clicks her tongue, playfully chastising Sana. "Trying to trick me?"

Sana's cheeks flush a little. And right at the moment, the smoking hot bartender Jennie somehow completely missed when they walked in, swoops in, interrupts her splendid trick, and leans against the wooden bar, putting her slim yet toned arms on display, and effectively pulls a considerable blush from Jennie.

"How's everyone doing? Can I get another round started?"

Jennie stutters, gripping the balled-up napkin as her palms sweat. Because it's Lisa Manoban. The one and only. The most gorgeous woman Jennie's ever had the misfortune to meet.

And it is a misfortune because how often does she get what she wants? Like actually wants. Hardly ever. That's how often. Because fate doesn't take sides. There is no polytheistic mythical hierarchy she could pray to in order to gain favor. She just has to rely on her good old self to get what she wants.

And right now, that traitor is shaking her head, silent as the tv on mute, dopiest grin on the planet, at the one person she really, really has a massive crush on.

Lisa smiles softly at her, the angel on earth, and turns her attention to Jennie's friends. "How about you?"

"Depends on the outcome of this bet!" Jisoo shouts, her too loud tone a dead giveaway to her level of intoxication.

Attention clearly piqued, Lisa inclines her head, unintentionally putting that killer jawline on full display, and Jennie gulps, desperate to swallow down the sudden lust-lump in her throat.

"Jennie, here-" Jisoo throws her arm around Jennie's shoulder, pulling her so close so quickly, Jennie nearly falls off the barstool she's perched on. But Jisoo either doesn't notice or doesn't care, probably the latter, and continues without missing a beat "-bet us that she can read Sana's mind."

Lisa's eyebrows shoot to the roof, and she then turns, slow and teasing towards Jennie. She smirks.

And holy hell, Jennie cannot even form coherent thoughts. Has there ever been a more alluring little smile in the universe? She thinks not. That half-upturn of those full lips might as well have been an on switch to her libido because Jennie suddenly cannot think of anything else but those lips on hers and how they might look as they wrap around sounds of pleasure.

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