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Found their phone number in a library book AU.


"I'm telling you, you really missed out on a magical childhood by not reading Harry Potter."

Lisa rolled her eyes and groaned at her friend as they walked across the campus quad.

"Jisoo, I swear to God, if I hear one more lecture about Harry fucking Potter... I will kill you."

The woman chuckled to herself, not scared at all by the threat. "Well, I would stop talking about it if you just gave it a try. I mean, I know you hate to participate in mainstream trends of any kind, but this is different."

"So you say."

"I don't just say, I know."

She scoffed. "Whatever."

The two parted ways at the Science building, where Jisoo had her last class of the day, and Lisa kept heading straight back to her dorm room. On the way there though, she had to pass the library. She bit her lip and kept her eyes focused on the dorm building in the distance, but for some ridiculous reason, her feet stopped moving. Crap. Grinding her teeth, she turned and strode down the concrete path to the entrance of the library, her boot heels clicking all the way. She usually actually liked the library, staying there to study sometimes when her roommate's boyfriend was in the room, or when she pulled all-nighters and couldn't concentrate with her roommate's snoring. The library was a quiet place. Easy to find a spot for yourself and do your work in peace. But right now, the library almost seemed like it was mocking her. Ugh.

She really couldn't believe it. Minutes later, there she was, making her way through the aisles and aisles of books to get one that she vowed she'd never read. Funny how things change, if only to get a friend off her back. But really, if her sixteen year old self could see her now, she would have dealt herself a punch in the face. Jisoo was right, she consciously made the decision to stay as far away from anything in the mainstream that was popular. Mainly because the teenagers who went crazy over those things were annoying enough. Yet she knew if she read the first book and told Jisoo that she didn't like it, and after a lecture on how she couldn't believe she didn't like it, she would finally leave her alone. So, when she found the shelf with all of J.K Rowling's books, she plucked the Philosopher's Stone out and headed for the checkout desk.

She really was already regretting this. Once the book was handed back to her, she wasted no time in unzipping her jacket and slipping the relatively small book into a pocket, then zipping it back up. She may have given in to reading it, but she definitely didn't want anyone other than Jisoo and the librarian to know that. And even though it was concealed, she hurried across campus back to her dorm, looking nervous, like she had just robbed a bank or something. Thankfully, most people were afraid of her anyway, so they moved out of her way and continued on their path. When she approached her door, she whipped out her key and turned it with ease and rushed in, closing the door behind her with both hands. Yes, this may seem dramatic to other people, but Lisa was serious about this.

She couldn't remember the last time she read something that wasn't pure poetry or classic literature, and that wasn't required reading in school. Eighth grade, maybe. Whatever, that didn't matter now, and she hated that she was ruining her streak. Locking the door behind her, she took off her jacket and grabbed the book, tossing it on her bed. It had been a long day and she was aching for a nice, hot shower to relax her muscles. Dealing with idiotic students all day was trying on her both mentally and physically, and she wondered how the hell teachers dealt with it every single day. Shrugging off her jacket, she let it fall to the floor before she climbed on her bed. The book itself wasn't that big, so if she can stand it, it wouldn't take her took long to finish. Flipping through the pages, she saw illustrations at every chapter, making her roll her eyes. Coming to the end of the book a yellow flash caught her eye. She opened the back cover up again and there was a sticky note. In pink gel pen and bubbly letters, the handwriting read:

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