The hazards of cooking with kale , part 2

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"God, what a day," Sunmi sighed heavily, running a hand across her brow as she slumped against the shelf to the right of the stove Jennie was standing at.

Glancing at her, Jennie arched an eyebrow, "you off soon?"

"Maybe in an hour or so. Do you want to come with me? We can open a bottle of wine and complain about our problems."

"Can't," Jennie blithely replied, "I'm having dinner with Lisa tonight."

"Again?" Sunmi exclaimed, "you must really like this girl."

Feeling a hot flush creep up her neck, Jennie gruffly cleared her throat, head bowed over the steaming pot as she stirred the syrupy sauce. "I have no idea what you mean."

"What is this, the seventh date now?"

Scoffing, Jennie let the wooden spoon clatter against the edge of the pot, lowering her voice as she peeked sideways at the apprentices and chefs bustling about like worker bees. Grabbing Sunmi by the elbow, Jennie towed her down the kitchen, past the dishwashers, and into a quiet corner, lowering her voice.

"They're not dates," she muttered, bristling slightly as she scowled at her friend, "it's just dinner. I'm trying to find a dish that she likes."

"Wait... she hasn't liked any yet?"


"Did you make her your chocolate torte?" Sunmi asked, a perturbed look crumpling her face as Jennie nodded. She pursed her lips, tapping a finger against them. "Your Thai green curry? The enchiladas? "

Huffing, Jennie threw her hands up in frustration as Sunmi rattled off some of her best recipes. They weren't necessarily ones that she sold at her restaurant, but they were some of Jennie's best comfort foods that she cooked for her friend, and it was unanimously agreed by anyone who tried them that they were amazing.

"Yes! Yes, I've cooked all of my best dishes. She doesn't like the tiny culinary masterpieces, and she doesn't like the comfort food. She doesn't like anything with too many vegetables, or- or too much chocolate. Can you believe she doesn't like chocolate that much! I even tried the simplest baked cheesecake and she said that the raspberry jus was too sour."

Sunmi let out a choked laugh, her eyebrows rising as her mouth lifted at the corners with a look of sheer amusement. Brown eyes sparkling, she reached out and put her hands on Jennie's shoulders, looking down at her with an almost smug look of understanding. Drawing in a deep breath, she exhaled softly and gave Jennie a sympathetic smile.

"Jennie, babe, I think she's messing with you."

Freezing, Jennie opened and closed her mouth as she wrestled with the implications of Sunmi's words for a moment, brow crumpling with confusion, eyebrows furrowed together. A small sound of surprise fell from her lips as she cocked her head to the side and stared up at her friend.


"There's no way she hasn't liked a single thing you've made her. Hell, you could get a five-year-old to make her something and she'd probably like it at least a little bit. A Michelin award-winning chef? She's got to be fucking with you."

"But... why?"

With a quiet laugh, Sunmi gave her a grim smile and patted her shoulder, before withdrawing her hands. "I think she has a crush on you."

Quietly spluttering, Jennie felt her cheeks warm slightly and thrust her chin out in a defiant manner, arms crossing over her chest out of sheer stubbornness. "That's just- that's ridiculous. She would have to be the worst flirter in the world if she thinks insulting my cooking is supposed to-"

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