I Gave You a Pizza My Heart

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"One large pepperoni and two large jalapenos. Is that everything?" the voice said kindly through the phone.

"Yes. Thank you. I love you, bye," Jennie said absentmindedly. When her brain caught up with her mouth, her pen stilled on the paper.

"I love you too, bye." And the line cut.


Rubbing the bridge of her nose between two fingers, Jennie sighed and kept her eyes shut. She only opened them when Jisoo called out her name.

"Jennie," Jisoo tried again.

"You know I haven't had pizza in years, right?" Jennie finally said.

That caught Jisoo's attention. Her friend sat at the edge of her seat, eyebrows shot up in complete shock. "Is your family so high-esteemed in the community that you can't have anything greasy or injected with nine different kinds of amino acids?"

"That is a shit-faced lie and you know it," Jennie laughed. She reached for another pen in her little pen holder, test clicking one out of habit. "You saw me eat two ginormous Burgers just last week after a conference."

"So what's with the pizza hate?"

"I don't hate pizza. I just never had the chance to eat it."

Jisoo only arched an eyebrow.

Jennie put her hands up in surrender, dropping the pen on her laptop. "Fine. The last pizza I ate wasn't... gratifying," she admitted.

"Let me guess; gourmet pizza?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

Jisoo grinned with the force of a Cheshire cat. "Gourmet pizza sucks. The dough tastes like raw flour and they use cheese that smells like my mom's feet. But Manoban's Pizza? Holy shit I would eat there everyday if I could." She moaned from the thought of it, throwing her head back as Jisoo's thoughts swam with her dream pizza.

Jennie watched her in amusement, musing, "If you're gonna have an orgasm in my office, I think it's best if I leave."

"Shut up." Jisoo got up from the chair across from her, gathering her manila folders into her arms. "Order a large pepperoni and two other flavours of your choice. Trust me, even politicians eat pizza from time to time."

"Tell my assistant to fire the caterer on your way out, please?"

"Already done."

She thanked her friend with a hug on her way out. Once Jennie was already sitting back at her desk, she had her laptop open to look up Manoban's Pizza. She had two hours to find food to cater her guests at an informal party in her name. Her regular caterer dropped out at the last possible minute, and Jennie had called for her friend in her surge of panic. She wouldn't have expected Jisoo to recommend a pizza parlor.

Pizza at a Kim's party? What a joke.

But Jisoo did make a point. It was an informal party, the politicians weren't as stuck up, and pizza was always the safe choice. It was like ordering chicken fingers at a restaurant you've never been to.

The Manoban's Pizza website was much more organized and less flashy than Jennie expected. Their description was short and sweet, their menu being provided right by the side of it. In between the menu and the shop statement was a picture of three girls, an older woman in the middle with her arms squeezing the hips of two smiling young women. The soft red and blue hues of the website was oddly calming.

Manoban's Pizza has been providing everyone with locally baked pizza since 1983, founded by Choi Seung-hyun. Originally based in Busan, Seung-hyun's daughters moved to Seoul with their family's lease and started a new establishment. Their menu provides different varieties of pizzas, pasta, and desserts.

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