Frequent Flyer, part 2

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Lisa was mortified.

Now safely tucked in her seat, the privacy door shut so that she was as alone as she could be on a packed international flight, Lisa could revel in the horror of it all. The nudity, the falling, Jennie discovering she still had the pin; all of it had been embarrassment after embarrassment.

Then came the inspection by the on flight physician and, though she had escaped without a concussion, her head was now pounding like one of the worst hangovers she'd ever experienced.

All the pain with none of the fun.

Well, it hadn't been completely devoid of fun.

There was the image of Jennie seared in her mind, of her thigh high stockings and dark lace underwear and the crisp button down. Lisa was certain that memory was one that she wouldn't soon forgot, no matter the headache.

Her damp hair clung to the neck of her shirt but Lisa didn't mind the cool drips littering her clothes. The sensation grounded her, distracted her from her headache.

Distracted her until the door to her seat slowly slid open and Jennie Kim slipped in the tight space.

Lisa's hands gripped onto the armrests in surprise, eye widening as Jennie slid the privacy door shut and crouched down. After a breathless moment where the flight attendant seemed to forget she had just barged into an occupied first class seat, she looked up at Lisa. She gave an apologetic smile and placed her finger over her lips, indicating for Lisa to be quiet.

Lisa didn't think she could speak even if she wanted to.

Kneeling in between her legs, gazing up at her with big brown eyes, was the most gorgeous girl Lisa had ever made a fool out of herself in front of.

She swallowed down the sudden jolt of warmth that flooded her system, ignored how her mind instantly went to different reasons they would be in such a position.

Lisa could feel her face heating up, blush creeping up her neck.

"I'm so, so sorry." Jennie suddenly whispered, her hand coming to rest on Lisa's knee.

It took everything in Lisa not to jump at the touch.

"I am so terribly sorry about the bathroom and the nakedness and you falling and me touching you..." Startled by her own words, Jennie's hand jerked away from Lisa's knee as if it had burned her.

"And I'm sorry for coming in here now but I couldn't just... I didn't want you to think... I needed to..."

Lisa could hear those alarms ringing in her head, begging her not to, but she ignored them in favor of reaching out and cupping Jennie's cheek.


Jennie stopped her rambling, mouth snapping shut at the contact.

Lisa tried to give a reassuring smile, though her headache was making the action feel more like a grimace.

"It's alright."

Jennie looked at her a moment, searching her face for something Lisa hoped she would find. After a moment, she reached up to cover Lisa's hand with her own and sighed.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

Lisa slipped her hand away from Jennie's, uncomfortable with how it was tingling against the woman's skin.

A warm silence settled around them, Jennie taking a few slow breaths to calm herself. Lisa nervously fiddled with the golden wings in her hand.

"Are you in trouble?" She found herself asking.

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