I'll be your muse

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Lisa is an art student in College/University and Jennie is the stunning act model she immediately falls for.


"Lisa! It's time!"

Rosé's voice is piercing, agitated, and yet Lisa barely opens her eyes. She only moves so she can pull the blanket back over her head and pretend that her sister isn't currently screaming at her, pretend that she doesn't have to get up just yet. She knows that Rosé is right, of course, that she only has a few minutes left before she's going to be seriously late; but her bed feels so comfy and warm and all she wants is to bask in her half asleep state for a few more moments. She buries her face in her pillow in an effort to drown out Rosé's voice, and the rays of sunshine that caress her skin might as well be there for the sole purpose of disrupting her peaceful sleep.

"Don't wanna," Lisa mumbles, finally, but Rosé keeps being persistent. Lisa's voice is hoarse and quiet, and Rosé barely understands her sleepy argument. She huffs, instead, pulls the blonde's covers off of her body in one swift motion - one that makes Lisa groan out loud and finally open her eyes in order to shoot an angry glare at Rosé. "'s cold!"

Her voice is still barely above a whisper, though the sounds leaving her mouth now are terribly close to a whine, as she tries to pull the blanket out of her sister's hands. She's freezing now and she has give that to Rosé, really, because she feels a lot less tired all of a sudden. "That's not fair! Can't you let me sleep for once?"

"And let you fail all of your classes?" Rosé asks, eyebrows raised in question, a stern look painted onto her features. "I think it's my responsibility as a big sister to not let you sleep in every single day."

Lisa only rolls her eyes at that, rubs them tiredly and finally sits up properly. She runs her hands through her hair in an effort to fix it, make it look somewhat presentable. She knows she won't get to take a shower this morning, knows Rosé will shoo her out of the room as soon as possible. "It's just art."

Lisa almost winces when Rosé suddenly snorts loudly and then proceeds to throw clothes at her. "Just art, huh? Are you forgetting that it was your decision to major in said subject?"

She cocks an eyebrow at the blonde, pointedly, when all Lisa does is grumble. The latter is still unwilling to admit just how right Rosé really is. In moments like this - pretty much every morning (she's tired, okay?) - Lisa tends to question her decision to move in with her sister. Sometimes she almost regrets said decision, though she also knows it had been a good one. It's great for both of them. She loves her sister, she really does, and once she had decided to major in art, once she had decided to go to the same university as Rosé, it had been the next logical step. They had always gotten along great, had always been more friends than sisters, and so neither of them had questioned Lisa moving in for even one second.

And still they both glare at each other as Lisa quickly brushes her teeth -- half-dressed -- her hair stills a mess. It's a common occurrence and they both know they'll love each other again in less than a few hours, but tired Lisa is incredibly grumpy and Rosé is stubborn, frustrated, just wants the best for her sister.

"You're a pain in the ass," Lisa mumbles once she has finally managed to get dressed and is about to walk out of the door. She can't help her lips curving upwards ever so slightly when Rosé sticks out her tongue at her and messes her hair up all over again.


Of course Lisa thinks she still has time to get coffee, knows she won't survive one second of the day without that stuff. She ends up being notably more late than necessary, and stumbles into the room still half asleep - despite the coffee. And everyone turns around to look at her when she tries to quietly make her way to the front where she knows Jisoo is sitting, but she's used to that as well, late more often than she'd care to admit. To Rosé, especially.

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