Costume Contest

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He then leaned forward, kissing her cheek. "But you look beautiful. You're going to be the envy of everyone at the party."

She felt herself relax and hadn't realized how nervous she had been about her costume. Regina patted his cheek. "Can you go check on the children? I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Alright," he replied. "We'll be waiting for you."

Regina watched him leave before she crossed to her vanity. She checked her reflection once again, making sure her glittery red horns were still in place. While she had used almost an entire box of bobby pins to ensure the headband, hidden by her curls, didn't come loose, she still worried. But they looked fine, though she knew she was going to be washing glitter out of her hair until Christmas. It was a small price to pay, she figured, for some Halloween fun.

She smoothed down the skirt of the tight red dress she wore before adjusting the black lace capped sleeves resting on her shoulders. Once she was certain her appearance was perfect, she grabbed her black clutch and the red plastic pitchfork with a long black handle that completed her look.

It was time for some Halloween fun.


Almost all of Storybrooke was packed into town hall. The chairs had been removed, folded up and stored away for the night. A DJ was set up on the stage, playing music and shining lights into the darkened room. He had also brought a fog machine and had it blowing onto the dancefloor to create an eerie atmosphere.

Several tables lined one side of the hall, all laden with different types of food. Each restaurant in Storybrooke had donate food and their signs were taped to the front of their assigned table. The goal was to encourage people to try new places and start to frequent the other restaurants. Regina hoped it worked, though she noticed most people stood around Granny's table. They were all clearly creatures of comfort.

Opposite the buffet was a "haunted house." It was just a section separated by black curtains that people – mostly children – could go through and experience some "frights." From her vantage point, Regina saw Henry and Violet manhandling some spaghetti through a hole that no doubt told them they were feeling brains. She also knew there was a gelatin heart she had made and she smirked as she recalled Leroy's disappointed look when she gave it to him rather than giving him one of the real hearts she had her in vault.

For those who didn't want to be grossed out that night, there was also a place to bob for apples – which she noticed Snow avoided – and another place to decorate pumpkins. Roland sat there with some of his friends, his tongue sticking out from between his lips as he worked on his pumpkin. While he favored his mother, it was in these moments that Regina saw more of his father in the boy.

"For you," Robin said, holding out a drink that appeared to be smoking. She glanced up at him and he grinned. "They put something in it to create that effect and promised me it was safe to drink. Since no one's doubled over or dropped dead yet, I assume they are correct."

She glanced around the room and noticed others were drinking the smoking cocktails so he had a point. Regina took the one held out to hers – a blood red color – and tapped her glass against his, which contained a bright blue drink. "Cheers."

"Cheers," he agreed, taking a sip of his drink. He hummed. "A little sweeter than I thought but not bad."

Regina took a sip of her drink, finding it hitting all the right notes – not too sweet and with just the right kick. "Mine's good too," she said.

He wrapped his arm around her, careful not to hit her with his wings. "Well, Madam Mayor, I think everyone is enjoying Halloween."

"Good," she replied, leaning against him. "Everyone in this town deserves some fun."

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