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Warning: Mentions of rape


            He waited, hidden in the trees. With his hood up, he blended right in. None of his victims ever saw him until it was too late. That was why he was the best assassin in the Enchanted Forest. 

            This though was probably his most dangerous assignment. He was to assassinate the queen as she rode through the forest, sent on a fake mission by her husband. 

            He had been surprised when he was summoned to appear before King Leopold, certain he would finally face the gallows. But the king spoke of a queen who was dabbling in the Dark Arts and who he feared would take his life. “So, I’ve decided to take hers first,” he said. 

            “And you wish me to do it?” 

            King Leopold smiled. “They saw you are the best. And given how hard it’s been for my guards to catch you, I’m inclined to believe them.” 

            “I come with a steep price. Are you willing to pay?” 

            “Of course. I’ve directed my treasurer to give you five thousand gold coins now and five thousand once the job is done.” The king studied the assassin. “Does that suit you?” 

            He rubbed his chin. “It’s a fair price, I admit. But I have one demand.” 

            “You do?” King Leopold leaned back, amazed someone was making demands of him. “And it is?” 

            “I wish the land you took from my family to be returned.” 

            The king looked him up and down before nodding. “Fine. You kill my wife, I shall return Locksley to you. Do we have a deal, Robin Hood?” 

            Robin nodded. “It shall be done.” 


            He heard the creak of the carriage wheels and thunder of the horses’ hooves against the ground. Nocking an arrow, he aimed it high so only to spook the horses and not injure them. They were not his intended target. 

            The sun glinted off the gold embellishments on the black carriage. It was getting closer. Soon, this would all be finished and he could go home to Locksley again. 

            Robin released his arrow and it flew over the horses. Like he thought, it spooked them and the driver enough for the carriage to come to a stop. Part one was completed. Now he had to wait for the queen to emerge to complete part two. 

            “What is going on? Why have we stopped?” A woman’s voice snapped from inside the carriage. She sounded like she was a miserable woman. 

            The driver cowered though she remained inside. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty. Something has spooked the horses. I need to calm them down before we can move again.” 

            “The horses?” Her voice changed, almost softer. But Robin didn’t time to reflect on it. The carriage door was opening and soon his mission would be complete. He nocked his arrow, ready to strike the Evil Queen’s heart. It would only take one—he had never missed his mark and it wasn’t going to change now. 

            He hesitated though as the queen emerged from her carriage. She was a tall and lithe woman who carried herself with a regal air. Her dark hair was pinned up in an elaborate braided bun, which only served to enhance her facial features. Dark eyes scanned the woods as she sought out any threats, blood red lips frowning. She wore a skin tight traveling outfit—a ruby red riding jacket over a black leather bodice over black breeches. Black boots completed her look. If Robin wasn’t going to kill her, he’d probably have some fun flirting with her. 

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