On the Balcony (Missing Year Trilogy 2)

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Outlaw Queen missing year 6: "Oh look at that! I almost cared!"

On the Balcony (Missing Year Trilogy #2)

There was no air in the council room, not with the fire roaring in the hearth while several candles illuminated the room. It seemed the flames sucked all the oxygen as they put forth more and more heat into the room.

It seemed though that Regina was the only one effected by the heat. Probably because she was the only one in heavy clothing, wearing a dress with a black leather corset and black velvet skirts as well as sleeves. It only made her more uncomfortable. She wished Charming would hurry up so she could escape to her rooms and lighter clothing.

"We need allies in this fight against Zelena." Charming looked at Regina. "Certainly there were kingdoms not affected by your curse?"

Regina rolled her eyes. "The Dark Curse only effected Misthaven. Everyone else is fine."

"They may not want to help us. Not after what happened to Phillip and Aurora." Snow's eyes showed the horror of watching the two turn into flying monkeys still haunted her.

"Someone must be willing to stand up to the Witch," Robin said. "Or else their lands will be next."

Regina shook her head. "She just wants to destroy me. For some reason she blames me for whatever happened in her life."

"I guess it runs in the family," Grumpy said.

She glared at him as Snow gasped. "Grumpy!" the princess scolded.

"What?" Grumpy feigned innocence. "It's the truth."

Regina stood, slamming her hands on the table. "I can tell when I'm not wanted. If you'll excuse me."

She strode from the council room, ignoring Snow's calls for her to come back. Pushing the door open, Regina stepped into the much cooler hallway. It still wasn't good enough, though, so she kept walking until she ended up outside on a balcony.

Leaning against the stone railing, Regina surveyed the palace grounds. It was dark though and the only thing she could make out was the Merry Men's camp thanks to their fire. She couldn't see the men but she knew they were sitting around the fire, exchanging stories and jokes. Perhaps they were even singing. What did it feel to be a welcomed part of a group?

"Milady? Are you well?"

She closed her eyes as Robin's voice came from behind her. He shouldn't have been able to sneak up on her, master thief or not. But there was something about him that eluded her usual defenses. She had to be careful around him.

"You didn't have to follow me, Thief."

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