Under the Sea

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A/N: My first entry for Inspired by OQ. Inspired by EvillyQueenie's (QueenieAppleby on tumblr) comic "Greenie's Greatest Prank." You can find it here: https://queenieappleby.tumblr.com/post/119936874921/robbie-being-a-cutie-and-making-queenie-blush-d

Regina turned off her car. She climbed out of it, slamming the door before marching up to the farmhouse door. Fueled by anger and concern, she banged on it until it opened to reveal her sister. "Where are they?" she asked.

"Hello, Regina, I'm well, thanks for asking," Zelena said snidely, crossing her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"You know damn well why I'm here," Regina snarled. "Robin and Margot were due back home an hour ago."

"And how the hell should I know where they are?" her sister asked, glaring at her.

Regina clenched her fists to keep from ripping out her sister's red hair lock by lock. She gritted her teeth as she answered: "They came here for your visit with Margot. Did they show up?"

"Yes," Zelena replied. "And they left. Maybe Forest Hobo decided to go to the forest, though I wish he wouldn't take Margot there. I don't need her smelling like pine and dead leaves."

Something seemed off with her sister. Though she was sneering and trying to look like she didn't care, she seemed more nervous than angry. Regina narrowed her eyes, noticing that Zelena kept glancing behind her and had angled her body so Regina couldn't look into the house. She was hiding something.

"Robin wouldn't just go off without telling me where he was going, especially with any of our children," she said, trying to keep her voice calm.

"Have you tried calling him on the phone thingy?" her sister asked.

Regina breathed in through her nose and out her mouth to calm down. "Yes, of course. It rang a few times and then went straight to voicemail."

"Well, I don't know how that man thinks," Zelena said, shrugging. "He's your soulmate. You track him."

That statement made Regina smirk as she held up her phone. "I have. There's an app for that. Robin, Henry and I all have the app so we can keep tabs on each other."

Her eyes widened and though her stance didn't change, Regina could tell her sister was getting even more nervous and defensive. "Oh?"

"The app is tell me Robin's phone is still here," Regina said, pushing a button. Horns sounding for a fox hunt echoed from inside the house—Robin's ringtone, chosen just because it was called "Sherwood."

Glaring at her sister, Regina pushed past her into the house. She continued into the kitchen as Zelena tried to stop her. Regina spotted Robin's phone vibrating on the table as it rang, a picture of her filling the screen as her name ran across it.

"Oh," Zelena replied, trying to sound surprised. "Robin must've left that behind."

A soft coo drew Regina to the wooden crib always set up in the kitchen. She looked down to find Margot lying there with her favorite ducky blanket covering her. Her blue eyes were open and she smiled, kicking and reaching for Regina when she saw her. A cold sensation swept through Regina as she gaped at her sister. "And he forgot Margot too?"

"He said I could keep her for a bit longer," Zelena lied, looking ready to do something even stupider than what she no doubt had already done.

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