Sharing is Caring

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Here's my second entry for Inspired by OQ Week. This one is inspired by outlawqueewbey's doodle where Regina steals Robin's blanket. You can find the art on my Twitter.

Regina was not used to sharing her bed. Even when married to the king, she slept alone as they had their own bedchambers. He would to hers or she would be summoned to his the nights he required her to perform her "wifely duties" and then they retreated back to their separate quarters after he finished. Once he was dead and Regina started to take lovers, none were allowed to stay once they were finished. She dismissed each one, trying to protect herself from what she had been told was a weakness people would use against her.

After several years in Storybrooke, Regina had wanted more than just sex but found she didn't know how to ask for it. There had been times she almost managed to ask Graham to stay the night, to hold her as they slept, but he was used to gathering his clothes and leaving. He was always gone before she could gather her resolve to ask him to stay.

There were times she shared a bed with Henry when he was little. She would carry him to her bed when he was sick so she could keep an eye on him and he often had sought cuddles after a nightmare. Regina would even curl up next to him in his own bed, anything to comfort her little prince. But he grew up and those days became a thing of the past. Once again, it was just her in her big bed, wishing for someone to share it with her.

Now, though, she had Robin. They had been taking their relationship slow, then his wife came back from the dead, then he went to New York, they learned his wife was really her sister using a glamor spell and she was pregnant, they went to Camelot, her sister gave birth and they went to the Underworld to save Hook. Hades was now gone, Zelena was being managed and Robin had moved in with Regina and Henry so they could all be a family along with Roland and baby Margot. Her big empty house was full of laughter and warmth and chaos, which made her happier than she ever thought possible.

Her bed wasn't empty anymore either. One side held the imprint of Robin's strong body and his pillows smelled like forest. She curled up against him at night, listening to his heart beat as she drifted off to sleep. Roland sometimes joined them if he had a nightmare, his little body tucked between theirs as his curls tickled her nose. And sometimes Robin would bring Margot back to bed after her early morning feeding, letting her doze on his chest. Regina loved to wake up to that sight, finally having the family she dreamed of for so long.

Regina and Robin had blended their families easily enough. His and Roland's transition from living out in the woods to living in a house was a smooth one. It seemed both woodsmen preferred the comfort life in the Land Without Magic offered, like air conditioning and indoor plumbing. They were able to divide up the housework and Roland actually seemed to enjoy doing his chores. She and Robin also figured out a schedule with baby Margot, with her taking the midnight feedings while he took the early morning ones. They shared diaper duty but she took over bath time, enjoying the time spent washing the beautiful baby girl.

That wasn't to say there weren't some bumps along the way. While both were devoted parents, she tended to be more overprotective than Robin. He believed in letting Roland run around and explore, even if it meant he got a few cuts and bruises along the way while Regina had to resist the urge to wrap the little boy in bubble wrap to keep him safe. It had led to a few fights between them about Roland's playtime and in the end, Regina agreed to give him some space but Robin did start setting a few boundaries to keep the boy a bit more safer.

Once they got past the bumps, though, it was usually smooth sailing. It was why Regina discovered something shocking almost a year after Robin and Roland had moved in.

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