Regina's New Problem

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Written for Spooky OQ Day 2: Blood

Robin crept down into Regina's vault, careful not to disturb her. She had warned him, Henry and Emma about how many dangerous things she possessed in that vault as well as the powerful magic she could be conducting. "If you don't to lose something important or spend a week as a bug, you will take extreme caution when interrupting me," she told them, glaring at each of them as they sat like errant children.

He peered around the corner to check on Regina and see if it was safe to enter the room or not. She stood along a wall, pulling out little boxes and frowning as she shoved them back into place in frustration.

No dangerous magic but still a danger of having his head bitten off.

Robin knew he had to chance it. She had been distant the past few days, since they were trying to figure out the newest threat to Storybrooke. A strange figure had been seen in the woods at night so they all split up to try to find it. It was fruitless search for most of them but they knew Regina had to have encounter something. Robin had found her unconscious on the ground and when she had roused, she was disoriented and not feeling well. Since then, she had spent a couple days in bed—most unusual for her.

He was glad she was out of the house but he was concerned for her. Robin hoped she would talk to him here in her safe spot. "Regina?" he asked softly.

She jumped, slamming the boxes closed as she turned to face him. "What are you doing here? It's late."

"I could ask you the same thing," he pointed out, sitting down on a chest. "Something's been bothering you, Regina. Please, tell me what it is."

"I can't," she said, turning her back to him. Her voice sounded strangled, as if she was trying not to cry. "Please go home, Robin."

He stood, approaching her though he didn't touch her. "No. Not until you tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything. No matter how bad you think it might be. I thought I've proven that to you? That nothing you do or say could drive me away. Please, whatever is bothering you, let me share it."

When he saw her shoulders slump, Robin wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the side of her head. "We can get through it together."

"I don't know if we can get through this," she said, voice cracking.

"I know we can." He turned her around, giving her a hopeful smile as he tilted her head up to meet his eyes. "We can do anything. You just have to tell me what's wrong."

She took his hand, leading him to her mirror. "I think it's besto show you. Look at my mirror."

He frowned as he looked in the mirror, wondering if her magic was going to show something. Robin concentrated, waiting for something to happen. An image to appear, the glass to ripple, shatter, just do something. Instead, all he saw was himself standing there. He turned to Regina, who was standing right next to him...


Robin turned back to the mirror, confirming he only saw himself in the glass. Yet Regina hadn't moved. She was still standing right there by him and he gaped at the mirror. "What the...?"

"I lied when I said I didn't know what was haunting the forest," she admitted softly. "I know exactly who is haunting it. It's Dracula."

"Dracula?" Robin asked, frowning in confusion. Was he supposed to know who he was?

She sighed, slowly unwinding the scarf around her neck. When she removed it, Robin saw two red marks on her skin as if she had been bitten. Regina gently touched them. "He's a vampire, Robin. And now I'm one too."

"Oh," he said, trying to process everything. He had heard legends of vampires—the living dead who drained people and animals of blood at night for the sunlight burnt them and who could transform into bats to fly around. Now he was dating one.

That was going to take some time to adjust to.

She wrapped the scarf around her neck again. "I wasn't sure if I was one. I don't feel dead. I took out my heart but I couldn't tell if it was unlit or just still dimmed by my darkness. But the lack of a reflection, sensitivity to the sun, and a sudden aversion to garlic convinced me I was turned. Especially now. I have this overwhelming desire for blood."

"Is that why you're down here?" he asked.

Regina nodded. "In addition to hearts, I sometimes took blood. It comes in handy with spells and the like. I was hoping I could use that to quench my desire...but I can't find them."

"Okay. Then what's Plan B?" Robin asked, crossing his arms as he watched her.

"I don't know. I guess I can try eating raw meat and see if that works," she said with a sigh, hugging her arms around her.

He nodded, his mind working. "Perhaps the butcher can also give you some animal blood to help hold you over?"

"The town may not think of me as the Evil Queen anymore, but I doubt anyone would be okay with just giving me blood," she said, voice starting to crack from her frustration.

"We'll figure something out. I promise." He reached out for her but she stepped back.

She shook her head. "I think it's safer if Henry stays with Emma and you take Roland and Peanut far away from me. I don't think I could live with myself if I lost control and bit one of you."

"You won't do that," he insisted, believing that with all his heart. "So don't do what you usually do—push us away because you think you're keeping us safe. I think by now we've proven that we all fare much better when we work together."

Regina's shoulders slumped as she nodded. "You're right. I just...I just never thought something like this would've happened to me."

"No one does. But together, we'll figure out how to rid you of your vampirism."

"I don't think one can rid oneself of vampirism," she replied, raising her eyebrow.

He smiled, pulling her into his arms. "We've brought people back from the dead, from complete darkness and even got your sister to act decently...most of the time. I think if we all put our heads together, we can figure out a way to return you"

She let out a soft chuckle. "That's one hell of a pep talk. Thank you."

"Anytime, sweetheart," he said, kissing her. They would find a way to help Regina. And if not...

Well, he wouldn't miss garlic all that much anyway.

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