A Purrfect Beginning

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We're neighbors who don't really talk but your cat might have gotten my cat pregnant?? We must raise this little kitty family together" AU

A Purrfect Beginning

Marian had never understood why he fed the stray cats in the neighborhood, especially once their son arrived. "You know what they carry, Robin. You're a vet, for God's sake," she told him once, rocking a fussy Roland.

Robin straightened up after leaving a bowl of food outside their kitchen door. He smiled, taking his wife in his arms. "I know we're fine. I'm only feeding them, not letting them crawl over the house."

"Yet." She sighed. "Look, I love you and your crazy love for animals. But please, can you a humor a neurotic first time mother?"

He kissed her forehead and then their son's. "Okay. I'll stop feeding them here."

Robin was true to his word. For the first few days, the stray cats congregated in their yard until they realized there was no more food. All drifted off, except for one orange tabby. He kept coming around day after day, the sight of his emaciated form tugging on Robin's heartstrings as he watched the creature from the kitchen table.

Marian placed her hand on his shoulder. "Go ahead," she said. "Take him in. Just keep him away from Roland until you've thoroughly examined him."

"Thank you." He jumped up, kissing her cheek. "And don't worry. He'll be fine soon enough."


The cat grew stronger under Robin's care. It took a bit longer to convince Marian that the cat was free of diseases but soon she let him bring the cat into the house. "So, have you named him yet?" she asked, watching Robin pet him.

He frowned. "I've just been calling him Tom."

"You are the most uninventive man I've ever met. Good thing I handled naming our son." Marian smiled, reaching out to run a hand through the cat's soft fur. "How about Thomas O'Malley?"

Robin raised an eyebrow. "You want to name the cat after the pub where we met?"

"It's better than just calling him Tom."

And so Thomas O'Malley stayed with the Locksley family, soon just being called O'Malley. He was both an indoor and outdoor cat, sometimes disappearing for a few days before returning to curl up inside the house for several more. Robin and Marian just got used to it.

Then Robin's life was turned upside down, thanks to a drunk driver. Marian was taken from him and Roland, leaving their house feeling emptier. As he sat on the couch, still in the suit he wore to his wife's funeral, he stared down a glass of whiskey as O'Malley climbed into his lap. The cat purred and Robin felt the animal was trying to offer him comfort. Holding Thomas close, Robin finally allowed himself to break down crying.

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