The Tattoo

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July 26 - Late Night Confessions; heart-to-heart conversations due boldness/drunkenness.

Snow and Charming announced their pregnancy at dinner, allowing for ample amounts of ale to be brought in for a celebration. Everyone cramped into the Winter Palace (her palace) grabbed a tankard and raised a toast to the happy couple.

Regina sat in an alcove, watching as everyone ate, drank and was merry. It seemed foolish with the Wicked Witch still lurking about, threatening them (threatening her). But she had to stay long enough to support Snow and Charming. Then she could flee to the solitude of her room.

"Will you not drink to the new prince or princess?"

She closed her eyes at the sound of the familiar accent and bit back a groan when Robin Hood sat down next to her. Opening her eyes, she saw he was holding a tankard out to her. Regina tilted her wine goblet toward him. "I've raised my glass and drank to the baby. You can be on your way, Thief."

"You will not enjoy the ale?"

She shook her head. "I'm more refined than that."

"Refined?" He smiled, leaning closer. "So the Queen cannot hold her alcohol."

"That is now what I said." Anger boiled inside her and she knew her eyes had to flash a warning.

He ignored it. "You didn't have to. Don't worry, milady, your secret is safe with me."

"I can hold my alcohol!"

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Prove it," he challenged.

Glaring at him, she poofed them to an empty table and motioned for someone to bring them some ale. He kept his eyes fixed on her, smirking as he picked up his tankard. "Shall we make a toast?"

"To what?"

"Not to what, to whom." He raised his cup. "To you, milady."

They clinked their cups before downing their ale and calling for refills. Regina raised her tankard. "A toast to your ego, Thief. May it come out only bruised."

"I do not know what that is but thank you." He gulped his ale as she downed hers.


They stayed there for several hours. Other revelers drifted to their rooms and Snow had returned to her chambers after Charming assured her Regina could take care of herself. Little John decided the same of Robin once the other Merry Men turned in for the night.

By this point, they had finally run out of things to toast but were far too inebriated to care. Robin hoisted his tankard, arm swaying a bit. "A toast to our toasts. May we remember them in the morning."

A Thief and a QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang