The Dinner Date

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Snow was up to something.

Even as an adult, her stepdaughter still was incapable of hiding something. The whispers with the serving staff that ended when Regina approached, the overly wide smile and shifty eyes all made Regina suspicious. So tracked the princess down, glaring at Snow. "What is going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Snow said, not meeting Regina's eyes.

"You're still a horrible liar, Snow. It's all that heroic blood running through your veins." Regina leaned closer. "Just tell me and I'm sure you'll feel better."

Snow let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine. You'll probably find anyway. I'm setting up a special dinner."

"A special dinner? What for? And will I be required to attend?" The thought of an evening spent trying to pretend to tolerate half the idiots living in her palace already made Regina already feel fatigued.

"Oh no," Snow said, shaking her head. "It's a private dinner."

Regina's eyebrow went up but she smiled. "Are you trying to surprise Charming?"

"It's not for me and Charming. It's for...someone else."

"You're planning a private dinner for...For who? Why?"

Snow glanced around before leaning closer, forcing Regina to do the same. "You have to promise you won't tell anyone, but Roland asked me to plan this dinner for his father."

"For Robin?" Regina frowned, though not sure if she was upset over the fact Roland hadn't asked her...or that there was someone for Robin to have dinner with here at court. "Did Roland say with whom?"

"No, he didn't. He just said he wanted to set up a special dinner for his Papa and a lady his father is interested in. I agreed to help."

Regina's heart sped up. "Robin is courting a lady?"

"I don't know. I think he's a bit nervous about making the first step, which is why Roland wants to set up this dinner." Snow sighed. "But I think I've said too much. I need to go and finish making these arrangements for Roland. I'll see you later?"

"Yes, yes." Regina wasn't really paying attention as she tried to figure out who Robin was having dinner with.

Snow smiled as she walked away. After a few paces, she stopped and looked back at her stepmother. "The dinner is going to be in the courtyard, by the way. Just so you know it's occupied."


Regina paced in her chambers. This shouldn't be annoying her. Why should she care that the blasted thief was courting someone? He had been a widower for a long time--even longer than he remembered thanks to her mother's protection spell against her curse. It was enough time for him to move on.

And why shouldn't he? He was still young and had a long life ahead of him, as long as he didn't do something stupid on a mission. But given how he had managed to evade capture all those years, she doubted he would do that. He was determined each time to get home to his son and if he had a wife to go home to as well...Well, she imagined he'd have double the incentive to stay alive.

Who would be attracted to him? Yes, he was good looking--she wasn't blind. He had silky dark blond hair that matched the scruff that seemed to compliment his look rather than make him look a mess. And she found herself getting lost in those blue eyes a few times. She also spotted him shooting at targets, shirtless, and had spent far longer than she would ever admit watching his muscles as he shot arrow after arrow.

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