The Marriage Test (Part II)

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A/N: Here is part two! Thank you so much for all your kind words about the first part. I'm sorry this is late, but I wasn't feeling so great when I got back from work and bowling last night. And I got a new idea for the story, so major rewrites were needed. I hope you enjoy it!

Over the next few days, Regina spent more time with Robin. At first, it was because he was nothing but persistent, appearing wherever she was to invite her to spend private time together. Most times, they walked about her gardens, talking about various topics. Robin often shared stories of his childhood and life in Sherwood. It was an idyllic kingdom full of people who found joy in the simple things, something he was starting to teach Regina. She wished she could respond with stories of her own, but her childhood had not been as happy as his and for the first time, Regina found she didn't want to scare someone off.

She also found herself seeking him out more and more as well. He had been fascinated about her magic and so she had offered to give him a demonstration. It had gone from simple transformations and a few fireballs to the two of them hunched over her workbench as she taught him how to make the simplest potion in her book—a basic sleeping draught. He had followed every one of her instructions and was proud of himself when it was completed. Regina thought his smile and giddiness adorable.

The following day, Robin handed her a bow and brought her out to an open space where his man, Will, had set up targets for them. He taught her how to shoot, though his proximity was distracting her. She thus nearly took out Will, who took shelter behind a far tree until her arrows started to at least land on the target. "Keep practicing and you'll be quite formidable," he told her as he collected the arrows.

"Perhaps," she replied. "But I think I prefer a sword. Allow me to show you."

So her councilors found her clashing swords with the prince, locked in what appeared to be mortal combat. They were horrified, apologizing to Robin. He tilted his head, frowning. "We were sparring. I agreed to this. You should be proud to have a queen so skilled as Regina."

They stuttered out their apologies as Regina busied herself elsewhere to hide her blush and silly smile. Robin had been passing all the little tests she had put to him, even though he didn't realize it. He didn't seem put off by her tongue or her preference for pants over dresses. For the most part, he was content to watch her daily routine as he wanted to know everything about Misthaven. But when arguing dukes had interrupted one of their private interludes in the garden, Regina had let him handle it to see what kind of leader he was. He listened to both sides before rendering his decision, showing knowledge of Misthaven law and being as fair as it allowed. Regina had been impressed.

In the privacy of her own mind and the secrecy of her heart, Regina believed she might have found love again. Robin was proving himself to be loyal, kind, just and understanding. She enjoyed being with him and even started like being addressed as "milady." Their hands often found their way to each other as if drawn by some powerful force. With his hand in hers, she didn't feel quite so alone.

But that still left his final test. Regina had been wracking her mind to come up with a test, knowing he had to go through it just like everyone else. His honor code would've demanded it, even if she confessed the true purpose of the tests. Perhaps she could bring back the feats of strength test. That had been a popular one at court and Robin had proven he could handle all the feats she would throw at him—both mental and physical. Decided, Regina climbed into bed, vowing to tell Robin in the morning.


The next morning, Regina woke feeling giddier than she had in a long time. It reminded her of the thrill she used to get when she knew she would be able to go to the stables and see Daniel, to know they would get a chance to spend even an hour together. But now it was all because of Robin of Sherwood.

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