Lost in a Book

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For the OQ Prompt Party #30. Robin isn't really dead, he's caught in the book of the "Adventures of Robin Hood" and tried to get (a message) back to Regina

"Okay, we've had bath time, you have a clean diaper, are in your sleeper and have had your night time bottle," Regina cooed to the baby girl in her arms. She sat down in the wooden rocking chair, pulling out a well-worn book. "Now it's time for your story."

The little child gurgled as she waved her arms, giving Regina a little smile. Regina smiled as well. "I see someone is excited."

It had been the adjustment to having a baby in the house again. Zelena had struggled after losing her magic and needed to find out who she was without it, much like Regina had had to do after first casting the curse. There had been a lot of back and forth between the two sisters but after much discussion, Zelena agreed to leave Robyn in the care of Regina until she was able to determine what she was going to do with her life. She still visited the girl every chance she got but for all intents and purposes, Regina was the girl's mother.

She knew it would've been what Robin wanted.

Regina then did everything to give the little girl she nicknamed Poppy, due to her red hair, a place of her own. She decorated the nursery with a forest scenery and painted little lions amongst the bushes as well as engraved the same lion Robin had had tattooed on his arm on the crib. Regina had also set up what little pictures she had of Robin so that Poppy would always know what her father looked like.

Poppy would also know about how brave and noble her father had been. Henry was working on a book detailing Robin's adventures in Storybrooke, Camelot and the Underworld to add to the adventures already in the storybook. And despite all the inaccuracies Robin had found in it, Regina found herself reading The Adventures of Robin Hood to Poppy after taking the book home with her from New York. She made a point of telling the little girl about all the inaccuracies though she doubted the baby cared.

"Now, where were we?" she asked in a sing-song voice. She opened the book, removing the bookmark. "Ahh, yes. Papa and Little John had just escaped the Sheriff of Nottingham and were on their way to rescue Maid Marian. Now, your Papa would've insisted that the Sheriff never got that close to him but I think your father's ego might've made him remember things a bit differently."

The baby didn't seem to care about that, hitting the book with her hand. Regina chuckled. "Okay, okay. I recognize those impatient Mills' genes."

Adjusting her grip on the book, Regina began to read. "Robin and Little John rode hard toward the tower where the evil Prince John had locked up Maid Marian. They knew it would be heavily guarded but Robin was clever. He would find a way to sneak in and rescue his beloved."

Robin and Little John dismounted some ways from the tower so they could hide their horses. It would be better for them to sneak in on foot, eliminating the chance of them being heard. Now, they had to find a way into the tower without being seen—especially with several guards standing around it.

"Ho, Robin, I think nasty Prince John finally has you beat," Little John said. "There is no way we can get past those guards. There are no shadows."

"It will take more to beat me, dear Little John. I will not give up—even though I am trapped in this book..."

Regina paused, blinking a few times. Yet the words never changed. Even though I am trapped in this book.

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