Better When I'm Dancing: Injury

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OQ Prompt Party Special Request for "Better When I'm Dancing": A little dancing accident on Regina's side throws Regina and Robin's schedule off, especially when she doesn't tell him she's hurt at first.

(Thanks to glindalovesshoes, who revealed she sent in this prompt!)

This is set in Week 8 and is actually an alternative take on what I plan to happen during that chapter. I hope you like both versions.

"And one two three and one two three...Robin, a waltz isn't that hard," Regina said, stopping them as the music played on. "We've danced this before. What's going on?"

He pulled away, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry, sorry. I just need a moment."

She sighed, nodding. Robin had been distracted all day but unusually quiet, so she was trying to give him his space. A few minutes wouldn't hurt their practice. "Take five. Go clear your head," she told him.

Robin didn't even thank her, making a beeline for the door. She thought she heard him mutter that it would take longer than five minutes as he passed her and she frowned. Maybe a talk with her partner was in order if they wanted to get anything done today.

"What's up with Robin?" their PA asked, though her tone was ambiguous. She could've been asking out of concern or to get a sound bite from Regina.

Knowing the show, she assumed it was the latter so Regina just shrugged. She then gave the woman a side-eyed look. "I'm going to continue rehearsing on my own, plan out the next steps. Excuse me."

"Of course," the woman said, taken aback. She walked away and Regina started the music again. They couldn't afford to miss any time because Robin was in a mood.

Regina held her arms up in proper hold with an invisible partner. She counted herself in, working through the steps she had already choreographed before letting the music guide her to through the next steps. Closing her eyes, she got lost in the music and imagined that Robin was in fact there with her, dancing with her as he smiled lovingly at her.

Because her eyes were closed, she didn't know what had happened. All she knew was that she felt her leg turn in an unnatural direction before she went down, landing hard on the ballroom floor. She felt the wind get knocked out of her and struggled to catch her breath again, staring at the lights overhead.

"Regina? Are you okay?" the PA asked, leaning over her. She frowned. "Do I need to get the medic?"

Regina shook her head. "No, I just landed wrong. I just need to walk it off. Can you help me up before Robin gets back?"

The PA nodded and helped Regina up. When Regina placed her weight on her right foot, pain shot from her ankle and went up her leg. She winced and knew it was noticeable as the PA grew concerned. "Are you sure you don't want to me to get the medic?" she asked.

"Yes," Regina said, waving her off. She hopped away. "Just give me a few moments. Nothing too bad."

Yet each time she tried to put weight on that foot, pain kept shooting up her leg. She had definitely done something to her ankle, though she wasn't too sure if it was just a strain or a sprain. The rational part of Regina's brain told her she needed to put her leg up, ice the ankle and rest but she was pushing against a deadline. She could do that later.

Robin returned, looking calmer though still appearing a bit out of sorts. She held her head high, praying her pain was evident. "Are you ready to continue?"

A Thief and a Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें