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A/N: Written for Day 3 of Inspired by OQ 2020, inspired by mayorsthief's drawing of Regina and Robin in facial masks and dancing.


The house was quiet and empty when Robin returned from helping the people from the Land of Untold Stories as they continue settling in Storybrooke. Most were starting to forge a new life for themselves in the small town, finding jobs and suitable housing. However, there were a few who still struggled and who needed Robin's help. After all, he had navigated the same transition they now faced and he could provide plenty of assistance.

Especially as he was practically married to the town's mayor.

After hanging up his coat, he went to look for his family. "Regina? Henry? Roland? Margot?" he called.

No response.

"Hello?" he called out again. "Anyone home?"

He checked each bedroom – Henry's, Roland's and then Margot's nursery. All were empty. Robin frowned as he pulled out his phone, wondering if he missed a message to meet his family somewhere else. But there was nothing there so he frowned, putting it away.

Where was his family?

Robin opened the door to the bedroom and stopped short, taking in the sight before him with an amused smile. Dancing around the room was Regina, her earbuds in as she listened to music from that rectangular music device. She wore her fluffiest bathroom and slippers with her hair wrapped up in a towel. A layer of green goo covered her face, leaving only her eyes and lips clear.

It was adorable.

She turned toward him and nearly jumped a foot in the air when she saw him. Guilt filled him and walked toward her, frowning as she took her earbuds out. "I'm sorry," he said.

"No need to apologize," she replied. "I was so lost in my music that I forgot where I was for a moment."

"Well, I apologize for interrupting your me time," he said, reaching out to gently rub her arm. "I take it the children are elsewhere?"

She nodded. "Henry is spending the night with Emma, Little John stopped by to take Roland fishing and Mary Margaret took Margot to have a playdate with Neal."

Regina paused before tilting her head, narrowing her eyes. "You didn't happen to arrange a lot of that so I could have the afternoon to myself, did you?"

"I did not," he replied honestly, now wishing he had. "And if you want me to occupy myself elsewhere so you can continue, just say the word."

She shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thanks for the offer but I'm almost ready to take off the mask anyway."

"Oh," he replied, slightly disappointed.

"What's wrong?" she asked, frowning now as her eyes searched his for the problem.

He shook his head. "Nothing. I just hope you aren't cutting it short on my account."

She smiled, pressing her hand to his cheek. "No, not at all. As I said, it's time to take off the mask and Mary Margaret should be back with Margot shortly. I got my few hours of self-care in and I'm pleased with it."

"Alright," he said. "I just wanted to make sure you got every minute you deserved and not a second less."

"You're the best," she replied, gently kissing his nose before excusing herself to wash the cream off her face. He watched her go to the bathroom and saw the door close behind her.

Robin sat down on the bed as a plan started to form. He had hoped to join her for her afternoon of self-care but it was clearly over. So he was going to give them an afternoon to enjoy together. Being parents, it was hard to get time to themselves and he would love to just have her to himself for a few hours. It was something they both needed, he was certain, and he knew he could make it happen.

A Thief and a QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz