Flu Season

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A/N: This is my fifth and final entry for Inspired by OQ Week, based on a manip of Robby tending to Queenie by EvillyQueenie.




Robin looked up at the ceiling as he stood at the stove, stirring the soup every so often. He knew those sneezes had to have been powerful ones for him to even hear it through the floor and his heart hurt for Regina. She had been pale and fatigued when she came home from work and had barely touched her dinner. He had then suggested she go straight to bed and she hadn't put up a fight, making everyone concerned. It just wasn't like Regina and that was when he knew she was sick.

Turning off the stove, he poured some soup into a bowl. He placed that on a tray and grabbed a spoon as well as a napkin, pairing it with a cup of tea and honey. Robin picked it up and carried the tray out of the kitchen, making a stop by the living room. Henry and Roland both sat on the couch, the older boy helping the younger with his homework. It warmed Robin how close they were already.

"I'm going to bring this up to your mother," he told them. "You two okay down here?"

Both nodded before Roland knelt on the couch, looking over the back. "Can you tell her I hope she feels better?"

"I will," Robin promised him.

Henry peeked over the back of the couch. "You'll take good care of my mom?" he asked, concerned.

"I will take the best care of her," Robin vowed, meaning every word. It comforted her son, who settled back down.

Satisfied the boys were fine, Robin headed upstairs and down the hall to the master bedroom. Powerful sneezes greeted him as he entered the room, noticing how hot it was inside. It concerned him and he turned on the light so he could gage the situation better.

A mound of blankets lay on the bed. Only a few wisps of black hair on the pillow confirmed that Regina was underneath them. He frowned as he set the tray on her nightstand. Climbing onto the bed, he pulled back some of the blankets to check on his soulmate.

Used tissues were strewn about her and she clutched one in her hand. Her skin was pale except for her cheeks and nose, which were bright red. She breathed heavily through her mouth and coughed every so often, raising the tissue to her mouth to cover it. Regina shivered despite the heat in the room, the warm pajamas she wore and the blankets covering her. Even before his hand grazed her hot forehead, he knew she had a fever.

"Regina," he said softly, gently shaking her. "Regina?"

She groaned, opening her eyes. They were unfocused as she looked up at him. "Robin?"

"Yes, love. I've come to check on you," he told her, stroking her hot cheeks. "You don't look too good."

"I don't feel too good," she admitted. He knew she had to be really sick to say so readily.

He brushed some of her hair away from her face. "I know. I'm going to take care of you, okay?"

"What about the boys?" she asked, her voice hoarse from all the coughing.

"They're fine," he reassured her. "They want you to get better--Roland especially wanted me to tell you that. And Henry has pretty much ordered me to take care of you."

She smiled. "They are so sweet."

"I brought you some soup," he told her. "Henry insisted it had to be chicken noodle."

"It's what I make him when he's sick. He must still believe it has magical healing properties," she replied, letting him help her sit up.

Robin set the tray on her lap. "I hope it does. I hate to see you in such discomfort."

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