Just Once

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"Just Once"

Regina Mills prided herself on her accomplishments. She had graduated valedictorian from high school and had been Student Body President as well as a member of the homecoming court. She had won numerous awards at riding competitions throughout her life and still was hailed as an excellent horsewoman. She had made dean's list every semester at her prestigious university, graduating magna cum laude, with an MBA. After graduation, she was hired at a well-respected, successful corporation and had risen in ranks in a short time to be its youngest CEO. She wined and dined many powerful players in business, politics and even entertainment. People knew her name...even if the press dubbed her the "Evil Queen" for her ruthless business dealings. It just came with the territory. She let it roll off her back. 

Yet the one person who could bring her down and shatter her confidence was still her mother. Cora Mills demanded perfection from her only child and only focused on where Regina had failed. Yes, Regina had been valedictorian but her final grade in English should've been two points higher. Regina had failed to win homecoming queen and that's all Cora saw. Many of her failures, according to Cora, then boiled down to the same thing: she still didn't have a man. No man wanted a woman who competed rather than just sat on a horse and looked pretty. Men didn't want a woman in a power suit who orchestrated corporate takeovers. They wanted a woman who could make them feel powerful, who could stroke their ego, cook their food and warm their bed. That was the reason Regina was perpetually single, as far as Cora was concerned. 

"You should give Leopold a call, darling. He still asks for you. Go out to dinner and maybe you'll realize that you've done everything in the board room. Now it's time to focus on hearth and home," Cora said during her weekly call to remind Regina that she wasn't doing what Cora wanted. 

Regina rolled her eyes. "Mother, Leopold is almost Daddy's age. His daughter and I are only a few years apart, for goodness' sake." 

"But he's very well off. You wouldn't have to work." 

"I like working." 

Cora continued as if she hadn't heard Regina, one of her favorite tactics. "Leopold will be at my birthday party this weekend, as well everyone who is everyone in this small town. You two can...talk...while you're there." 

"Mother, I can't." She then blurted out the one thing that would change her life: "I already have a date for your birthday." 

There was silence on the other end of the line as Cora processed this. "Oh. Is it someone I know?" 

"No, no. He's someone I met here in New York. I'll introduce you at the party." Regina took a deep breath and rushed her mother off the phone before Cora could pepper her with questions. She tossed her phone onto the couch and groaned. Where was she going to find a date at the last minute? 


Fate helped her the next day. Regina hurried from her brownstone, digging through her purse for her phone. She collided with someone, bouncing off them. "Watch where you're going!" she snapped. 

"You were the one who was distracted, Ms. Mills. Maybe you should take your own advice," a British-accented voice shot back. 

Regina bit back a groan. Of all the people to bump into, why did it have to be Robin, her insufferable neighbor? They had been bickering since he moved in six months ago about everything, from how loud he played his music to how he believed her little garden crept onto his property. She frowned. "Whatever you say. Just stay out of my way, Mr. Locksley." 

"As her Majesty commands." He gave her a bow in a mocking manner. 

She stormed off toward the car waiting to take her to work. As the driver pulled away, she did her best not look back at Robin. 

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