Pain Management

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Robin on painkillers trying to cuddle with Regina. Pre-OQ

Regina made up one of her spare rooms just as David and Emma arrived with him. They supported Robin on either side, though he seemed unable to walk at this point. He seemed incapable of a lot, if Regina was honest. "Is he okay?" she asked, pointing at the outlaw.

Emma grunted under Robin's dead weight. "As okay as someone can be after being shot by his own friend's arrow. Zelena played quite the mind game on the Merry Men."

Robin roused, lifting his head. She saw his blue eyes were unfocused as he looked her. A loopy smile formed on his face. "Milady. A pleasure," he said, words slurred.

"What did the hospital give him?" Regina asked Emma.

"Good old fashion Vicodin." Emma said as she and David shifted him again. "Can we continue the interrogation after we put him in bed?"

"Right. Sorry. Follow me." Regina led them back upstairs, watching as the father-daughter duo laid Robin on the bed.

Emma straightened up. "You didn't have to volunteer to watch him, Regina."

Regina nodded. "I did. This is my fault."

"This is Zelena's fault."

"But I'm the reason Zelena targeted him." Regina sighed. "Thank you, Ms. Swan. I've got it from here. You and your father can go."

Emma hesitated. "Are you sure? I can stay and help."

"I assure you I can take care of him. Thank you anyway."

David pulled his daughter from the room as Regina covered him with the blanket. Robin slept on, his head rolling to the side and his lips slightly parted. Emboldened by the fact he was medicated, Regina lifted his arm and rolled the sleeve up until his lion tattoo was uncovered. Her heart beat faster at the physical proof that she was caring for her soul mate.

Sighing, she put his arm down and decided to do something else while he slept. Regina tried to walk away but found her arm weighed down. When she glanced down, she saw that Robin had latched onto her arm. She tried to tug it away but he only tightened his hold.

Regina leaned down. "Robin," she said softly. "I need you to let go of me."

"No. S'comfortable." He tugged on her arm and she lost her balance, landing on the bed.

Heart racing, Regina held her breath as she looked at Robin's face. His eyes remained closed, though, and his breathing even. She hadn't hurt him or woke him up. It appeared Whale had him on the really, really good stuff.

She prayed it would keep him asleep as she tried to free herself from his grasp. He kept pulling her closer, until he was wrapped around her.

Regina gave up the fight, realizing she was stuck like this for some time. The best thing she could do was wait for him to loosen his hold so she could slip away.

He rested his head against hers, sighing contently. Her ear was pressed against his chest, allowing her to hear his heart beat. The intimacy of their position washed over her.

She closed her eyes and let herself pretend. Pretend that this could be real. That she could spend a lazy afternoon curled up with Robin in bed, just napping. That she could wake up wrapped in Robin's arms. That she could fall asleep the same way. The perfect bookends to her days.

"Regina? I'm sorry but I forgot to..." Emma pushed open the door and stopped. Her lips curled into a smirk. "Comfortable?"

Regina raised her head, glaring at Emma. "What is it, Miss Swan?"

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