Teach Me

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July 25 - Teach me; up to your interpretations.

When Regina casted the first curse, she erased everyone's memories of their lives in the Enchanted Forest and gave them new ones of rather ordinary lives in the Land Without Magic. These memories came with the knowledge needed to survive and navigate in the new world they were inhabiting. In retrospect, Regina realized she had been quite benevolent when it came to the people she had once terrorized.

The second curse did not intend to give everyone new lives. It was meant to get them back to the Land Without Magic to find Emma but Zelena had wiped their memories to give herself a chance to win. So those who came over for the first time with that curse didn't have the knowledge the others did.

However, Regina often forgot that Robin was in that group. He was able to pick things up rather quickly, though she imagined being forced to survive in New York City for almost three months had forced him to adapt even quicker.

But there were still moments where he said something that reminded her that this world was still new to him. Like when she took him up to the attic to search for Henry's baby things, to see if they were still usable for his child with Zelena. Robin frowned as he picked up the baby monitor and looked over the car seat. "I've seen what David and Mary Margaret have for Neal, but this seems to be so much more," he said.

"Babies require a lot," Regina replied.

"Roland didn't seem to need much. Just a place to sleep and some milk."

"Things are different here."

When Baby Hope came to live with Regina and Robin full time, with Zelena having very limited supervised visits. As time went on, Robin declared that caring for an infant in this world was a lot easier than in the Enchanted Forest. "Even if I'm pretty sure that they don't need all of this stuff," he said, nose scrunched as he looked around the nursery.

So once again, Regina forgot more often than not that Robin didn't have a lot of the skills she and the others had. Until she got a frantic call from him when Hope was about three months old. "She's running a fever. I used that device you showed me and it said one hundred point two."

"That is high." Regina frowned. "You need to take her to the doctor. Can you do that?"

"How? I'm not going to walk with her."

Regina felt like hitting herself. How could she forget that Robin didn't know how to drive? She drove them everywhere. But she couldn't just leave right now, not when she had already excused herself from an important planning meeting to take the call. "Call David and see if he can take you. I'll meet you at the doctor's as soon as I can get out of this meeting."

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