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Thanks to Imagine_OQ on twitter for the prompt!

Imagine fangirl Regina is obsessed with pop star Robin. She collects all his merchandise & finally gets to meet him.


Regina Mills was bent over her cell phone at lunch, the outside eating area the one place students were allowed to use them. She frowned as she scrolled through her Twitter feed, confused by all the activity her account was suddenly experiencing. People she had never heard of were filling her notifications, retweeting some link that was also tagged with global popstar Robin Locksley's twitter handle.

"What's so interesting?" Mary Margaret Blanchard, one of her best friends, asked as she sat down with her boyfriend David Nolan.

"I seem to be trending," Regina replied, holding up her phone. "And I have no idea why anyone would care about me. Or keep tagging Robin Locksley."

Mary Margaret began to squirm as their other friends, Emma Swan and Ruby Lucas, bounded up to the table. Emma's boyfriend Killian Jones followed behind them, chatting with Ruby's girlfriend Dorothy Gale. They all took their seats as Mary Margaret gave them wide-eyed looks which did not escape Regina's notice. Annoyed, she asked: "What do you know about this?"

"Don't get mad," Mary Margaret started.

Regina frowned. "That's not a promising start."

Emma leaned forward, her voice in a placating tone. "We know things have been rough for you this past year losing Daniel. I know it was different for you, but we do understand your pain. He was our friend. And we know he wouldn't want you to miss the prom just because he can't be here to take you."

"I'm not going to the prom alone," she replied. "I won't be the girl whose boyfriend died so she had to go the prom alone."

"What if you went with someone though?" Emma pressed. "Like Robin Locksley?"

Regina's heart stopped at that. She idolized Robin. He and his band, the Merry Men, had been burning up the charts and Robin's face was on every magazine. Regina had his posters hanging on her bedroom walls and she followed him everywhere he had a social media account. His music had gotten her through the difficult months following Daniel's death and she had once tweeted that to Robin.

It was ignored.

Which made her wonder one thing: "And why would Robin Locksley even consider taking me to prom?"

All her friends exchanged looks and Dorothy sighed. "You need to show it to her, you guys."

"Show what to me?" Regina asked, voice hard.

Emma pulled something up on her phone and slid it over to Regina to watch. It was a YouTube video starring Mary Margaret, Ruby and Emma entitled "Promposal to Robin Locksley." Regina hit the play button and it began.

"Hi, my name is Mary Margaret and these are my friends Ruby and Emma," Mary Margaret started as the other two waved at the camera. Regina recognized the pastel pink walls of Mary Margaret's room. "This video is a message to Robin Locksley on behalf of our friend, Regina Mills."

Ruby spoke next. "She doesn't know we're making this video. And we hope she doesn't kill us when she finds out."

She was.

"This is Regina," Emma said as Regina's senior picture popped up. "And this is Regina with her boyfriend Daniel."

Regina's heart constricted as a picture of her wrapped around her boyfriend, Daniel, popped up. She remembered when they took that picture—it was at Emma's birthday party right before Daniel died. Everyone had been hanging around Killian's house, laughing and playing games. Mary Margaret had insisted all the couples pose for pictures and Regina was happy to oblige. She rested her cheek against his hair and they both smiled at the camera, looking so happy.

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