What a Soulmate Feels Like

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OQ Prompt Party #26. Cora didn't get the sheriff but the real Robin on Regina's birthday.

Regina groaned when her mother returned to her rooms, grinning. It was never a good sign and usually meant that Regina was going to have to entertain someone her mother thought would help them but who usually just ended up boring Regina instead. "No, Mother," she said. "Go away."

"Don't you want to know why I'm here?" Cora asked, not flummoxed at all.

"You've brought someone for me to meet," Regina replied, still seated at her vanity. She wasn't going to turn to face her mother. Maybe she would get the hint and leave.

Cora nodded, leaning against her chair. "I have found him."

"Found who?" Regina asked, confused.

"The man with the lion tattoo."

That caught Regina's attention and she turned around, looking up at her Mother. "You did? Where?"

"Does it matter? I found him and he's waiting to meet you," Cora said, pulling Regina to her feet. She looked her over and shook her head. "You can't go to meet your soulmate looking like that."

Regina glanced down at her tight black pants, red leather corset and the long jewel-studded coat she wore over them. She frowned. "What's so wrong with this?"

"Just trust me." Cora raised her hand and Regina was engulfed in the familiar cloud of her mother's magic.

Annoyance flared up inside her as she recalled all the other times her mother had changed her outfit into something she deemed more appropriate. It was no doubt going to be something Regina would never choose for herself and pulled too tight to give her a tiny waist as well as a bigger bust. She was probably also going to find her feet shoved into shoes that were a size too small to boot.

When the cloud died down, Regina gasped. It had been years since she had worn a ballgown as delicate and bright as the one her mother had changed her into. The sleeves were off her shoulders, showing off her cleavage without it being overbearing, and the entire dress was a beautiful light blue color she had favored when she was younger. In fact, when she turned to face the mirror, she glimpsed the girl who wanted to run off with the stable boy rather than the Evil Queen, especially with her hair down and curled around her shoulders.

"I believe you liked this color," Cora said, placing her hands on Regina's shoulders. "You look beautiful."

"I can't believe you remembered. Actually, I didn't even think you knew," Regina said, her walls crumbling.

Cora turned her to face her, cupping her chin. She smiled. "Of course I knew, Regina. I know I was overbearing and perhaps didn't listen to you enough, but I paid attention. I knew your favorite doll was Isabella, I knew you preferred apple pie over cherry pie and I knew your favorite color was blue."

Tears pricked Regina's eyes. "Mother..."

"Now, now," Cora said, conjuring up a handkerchief and dabbing at Regina's eyes. "You don't want to ruin your makeup."

"Why did you do this for me?" Regina asked.

Her mother smiled, squeezing her arms gently. "I told you. I want to change things between us. I can't bring back Daniel but I have brought you the man with the lion tattoo. Who, by the way, is called Robin."

"Robin." Regina let the name roll around her tongue and she found she liked it. "Robin."

Cora nodded. "Now go. He's waiting for you by your apple tree."

Overwhelmed, Regina hugged her mother. "Thank you, Mother. I really do appreciate this."

"I'm glad," Cora replied before letting go of her daughter. She gave Regina a gentle push. "Go. Be happy."

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