The Tournament

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A/N: This is my second entry for Inspired by OQ Week! This one was inspired by a Camelot manip by phoenix_shine.

"Why do you think Arthur has summoned us here?" David asked, wrapping a protective arm around his wife. He glanced around as the people of the Camelot court stood behind them, everyone waiting for Arthur and Guinevere to arrive after servants had summoned everyone to the throne room.

"I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about it," Regina replied, pressing her hand to her stomach to calm her nerves. Arthur had been understandably upset after their deception had been revealed after the ball the night before. He hadn't thrown them out of the palace and still seemed willing to help them but he could've changed his mind after a good night's rest. She worried he was going to tell everyone else in Camelot the truth, putting them all—especially Emma—in danger.

Robin drew her close for a comforting hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She placed her free hand to his side, right over the spot where Sir Percival's blade had pierced him. The image of him bleeding and writhing in pain on the ballroom floor while she had been unable to help him still haunted her even after Emma had healed him. She had seen it every time she had closed her eyes and so didn't get much sleep the night before, which no doubt put her more on edge.

Trumpets sounded and Regina felt the excitement level of the court grow as Arthur and Guinevere appeared at the top of the staircase. Both looked well rested after the late night and wore matching outfits made of blue and gold velvet. Their crowns glinted in the bright sunshine pouring into the Great Hall and they greeted their people as they reached the bottom of the stairs and walked toward their thrones. It was as if they were rock stars and their court was their adoring fans. It both amazed Regina and made her suspicious at the same time.

No ruler was that loved by their court.

A hush fell over those gathered as Arthur and Guinevere took their seats. "I am certain most of you are still upset and surprised by Sir Percival's behavior last night at the ball. Her Majesty and I are."

Murmurs rose up from the people but it didn't last long as Arthur raised his hand, silencing them again. "We have apologized to our guests from Storybrooke and do so again publicly. We hope Sir Percival's behavior doesn't give you the wrong impression of Camelot, for we are a welcoming kingdom.

"Sir Percival's betrayal and death does leave another empty chair at my round table," Arthur continued, not giving them any chance to respond to his apology. "I will then be hosting a tournament to fill his empty chair."

Gasps went through the crowd and the murmuring returned, this time excited rather than solemn. Regina had no doubt many of those gathered were imagining themselves sitting at the round table as knights. They saw the tournament as a grand event.

She saw it as a distraction. But maybe with everyone in Camelot focused on the tournament, they would be able to work without interruptions and find Merlin faster.

"I invite the men of Storybrooke to step forward," Arthur then said.

Everyone in their group shared looks before the men stepped forward, including Henry. Regina's heart jumped into her chest as she worried about what Arthur was going to do. She was glad he was flanked by David and Robin, both ready to protect him from their defensive stances. Regina glanced over at Emma, who met her gaze and nodded. They were ready to jump in to protect their son if need be as well.

Arthur's eyes locked on Henry and he smiled, setting Regina even more on edge. However, he said: "I'm sorry, Henry. You're still too young for what I'm about to announce. You can step back with your mothers."

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