Baking Bread

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This is my fourth entry for Inspired by OQ Week, inspired by artwork by lau_p_g that can be found on my Twitter.

Robin knew how to cook. Living in the woods made it a necessary. He couldn't always afford meals in a tavern nor did he want to keep frequently one place. It would make it easier for the Sheriff or other law officials to find him. People sometimes took pity on him or he could sweet talk a meal from a lonely spinster but he felt guiltier each time he did that. Instead, he got them to teach him how to cook for himself and taught his other men. All were able to take turns feeding the camp and it was always delicious. They never wanted for food.

Things, though, were different in Storybrooke. There was no need to steal and they were able to help the disadvantaged in other ways. Nothing could break their bond as Merry Men and their brotherhood was for life. Many worked together and they got together once a week to catch up but most no longer camped in the woods, preferring homes with modern amenities. Robin himself moved in with Regina as they blended into one family together. He was glad Roland had such a sturdy place to grow up in, surrounded by two loving parents and a big brother.

However, there was a lot about Storybrooke's technology that he didn't get. Regina and Henry still teased him over his reaction to the toaster. Both he and Roland stared at it in amazing, watching as it warmed bread and then popped it up within seconds. It would've taken him much longer to get the same effect over his campfire. He loved to make himself toast in the morning now, enjoying the different jams Regina kept stocked in the refrigerator.

Robin had mastered the barbeque easily enough to Regina's delight. She admitted that the curse just gave her one but she had never been able to really get the hang of it. It wasn't something she had worried about too much as she wasn't hosting barbeques while the curse was in effect. Now, though, she was warming up to the idea of having such parties in her yard and also enjoyed the warm nights where all four of them ate outside after Robin cooked for them. Regina taught them how to make s'mores over the grill, which Roland adored—the chocolatey sweet confection was right up his alley.

As the weather cooled and he no longer could barbeque, Robin finally admitted that he needed to learn how to use the oven. He didn't think it fair that Regina always cooked for them and wanted to do his part, just like he did with the housework. She agreed to teach him how to use the stove as well as a few other appliances. "Cooking and baking has never been so easy," she told him and he had to agree.

Once Robin believed he knew how to use everything in the kitchen, he asked Regina to teach him how to bake. He believed that it would not only improve his own skills but would be a nice bonding experience for them. With everything that happened in Storybrooke and being parents to two growing boys, they didn't get many peaceful moments where they could just spend time together. It would be nice.

They started one Saturday when it was oddly quiet in Storybrooke. Henry joined Emma and Hook for a trip aboard the Jolly Roger while Roland had been invited on a playdate with one of his classmates. Robin and Regina had the house all to themselves and she could then teach him easily enough.

"Here," she said, holding out a bag. "I got this for you."

He raised his eyebrow, taking the bag from her. "You didn't have to get me anything. Spending time with you is a gift."

She rolled her eyes. "Lay off the cheesy lines and just open it, okay?"

"Fine," he replied, biting his lip as he reached into the bag. He pulled out a white linen apron which had two arrows crossed on it. Underneath it was written Taking Aim in the Kitchen.

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