The Ball

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Thanks to Chocapic31 on for the prompt to write a one shot based on the picture Ginnifer Goodwin posted last week of Josh Dallas and Lana Parrilla dancing in full Camelot costumes. So here we go!

This wasn't his world.

Robin stood on the edge of the dance floor, watching the couples twirl by in elaborate outfits made from silks, velvets and furs. Jewels twinkled in the candlelight, still irresistible to him. With all the motion, it would be easy to lift them without anyone noticing or missing them until the next ball. They could be pawned and bring in enough gold coins to feed an entire village for months.

Even the clothes given to him for this ball could achieve the same, he thought as he tugged on the collar of his satin tunic. It was a bright blue Regina had said went well with his eyes as she teased him, saying it was nice to see him in something other than green. She was the reason he was still in this room and still in these clothes, pretending to be something he wasn't.

This was her world.

She had been born to this. To great palaces, fine clothing, beautiful jewels, succulent meals, and elaborate dances. He didn't think he could even attempt half the dances he watched the others perform expertly and so others had swept her away, twirling her about the dance floor in his place.

He never lost sight of her, though, despite the number of couples on it. She wore pink, a color he hardly ever saw her in but suited her well, with an elaborate pattern printed on the silk material. Silver embroidery lined the edges of her long bell sleeves and the collar that rested off her shoulders, providing quite the view of her breasts that had had Robin biting back a groan when he first saw her. Her dark hair was pinned up and away from her neck while the maids Guinevere had sent to help the women prepare had used softer colors than Regina preferred with her makeup. It suited her though he would've thought her beautiful no matter what.

"She looks younger, doesn't she?" Snow sidled up next to him, smiling as she offered him a goblet of wine.

Robin gave her a nod of thanks as he took it. "I guess so. She looks beautiful."

"She looks like she did when I first met her," Snow continued. "When she was loved and free."

"She's back in her natural environment, in her world."

He expected to hear Snow agree with him. Instead, she smacked his arm. Holding it away from her, he looked at her in surprise. "What was that for?"

"This isn't her world," Snow said, frowning. "She hates this world. This was her cage for years, first imposed by Cora and then by my father. She doesn't belong here. And you know that. I know you know that."

Robin hung his head and looked away, sipping his wine. Yet he could feel her sympathetic gaze and hear her smile in her voice. "This isn't about her. It's about you."

"Everyone knows this isn't my world."

"Of course we know that," Snow replied. "But we need to play along with King Arthur and Queen Guinevere if we want to find Merlin."

"And that means pretending I'm a royal? Because they've associated me with all of you?"

Snow tilted her head. "You are one of us."

"I'm not royal or noble."

"Hook's not either," she replied, motioning to the pirate that had to be as uncomfortable as him. But Hook had his arm wrapped around Emma and was smiling.

A Thief and a QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora