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Written for OQ Fix It Week Day 1

When Daniel died, everything happened so fast, Regina didn't register what had happened at first. For a few glorious moments, happiness had been in her reach. Then it was yanked away from her and crushed by her mother's own hand. She had sunk to her knees, clutching Daniel's still warm body and praying he would open his eyes. Realization spread through her, like tea seeping into hot warm. Daniel was dead and nothing-not even True Love's Kiss, could bring him back.

Time slowed almost to a stop when Robin died. She watched as the blue bolt of energy hit him square in the chest and felt as if it had hit her as well. She knew he was dying as he turned around, wanting her to be the last thing he saw. His body then crumpled to the floor at her feet, leaving behind the ethereal form of his soul. Robin reached out for her and her heart shattered in pieces when she realized she would never feel his gentle, warm and tender touch ever again. He faded away as tears poured down her cheeks and the awful emptiness of losing another love took over her body.

She had felt numb throughout the hours immediately following Daniel's death. Then Snow had admitted she had betrayed Regina's trust and anger consumed her, rage fueling her every move for years. Anger came quicker this time as Regina glared at Hades while holding Robin's lifeless body. Zelena's arrival only seconds later added fuel to her fire. She had trusted her sister and was burned yet again. Zelena had chosen to align herself with a god who had a crystal powerful enough to destroy them all and was more than willing to use it rather than her, the sister who kept giving her chance after chance-even hurting Robin in the process. Now he had paid the ultimate price and someone was going to suffer for it.

Hades, naturally, tried to cover his own ass. Regina watched as he tried to convince Zelena that Regina and Robin had attacked him when he tried to keep them from taking the baby from her. That he had had no choice to use the crystal because he loved Zelena and wanted to do what was best for her.

It made Regina sick. But when it appeared to sway Zelena, Regina had ot put her foot down. Even if it meant letting go of Robin.

After lying Robin's limp body back down, Regina rose onto her shaky legs and stared down her sister. Zelena had been denied love for years and didn't recognize true love, unlike her. She had received an overabundance of it in recent years-from Henry, Roland, Mary Margaret and most of all, from Robin. Her voice cracked as she told Zelena what true love was, pointing to Robin's dead body as she spoke of the sacrifice he made for her, all in hopes of getting Zelena to see the truth. Regina didn't care if they shared True Love's Kiss-Hades didn't truly love Zelena if he could lie and manipulate her the way he was doing now.

In the end, though, it worked and Regina realized their new start in the Underworld had been too little, too late. Zelena stood next to HAdes, her voice hard and cold as she addressed Regina. "You're always taking from me. Mother, the life I should've had, Rumple, my victory, my baby...I won't let you take the man I love. This time, dear sister, I win."

"Shall we do this together?" Hades asked, holding out the Olympian crystal.

Zelena smirked as she wrapped her fingers around it, the crystal pulsating bright blue. "Yes, let's. Goodbye, sister."

Regina tried to figure out a way out of the room, but nothing seemed to work. She could use her magic to poof herself and Robin out of the room but then Hades and Zelena would come after her, putting more people she loved in danger. Her magic wouldn't work against a god like Hades. She could try to take out Zelena but he would still hit her with the crystal. It seemed her only choice was to accept her fate and she closed her eyes, waiting for the end. She apologized to Robin, regretting that his sacrifice was coming to nothing, and then to Henry. Emma and the Charmings would take him in and make sure he continued to grow into a good, honorable man. She was certain of that.

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