The Fire

626 36 4

Written for OQ Angst Fest using the following prompts: 

6. Don't you dare die on me!

19. Why did you come back?

42. It's not your fault

44. I'm not going anywhere

47.Is that blood?    

Robin's heart beat wildly as he drove to Town Hall, weaving around stopped cars and drivers standing next to them. They all stared at the giant dark plume rising menacingly against the bright blue skies. It made Robin's throat close up and he struggled to swallow as he honked at someone to get out of his way.

He inched her way up to the barricade preventing the public from approaching the building that was on fire. Robin parked his car and got out, feeling nauseous. Flames shot out the windows of Town Hall and he regretted running out for lunch. Maybe he could've prevented it...somehow.

As he approached the barricade, he took note of his coworkers gathered around as the building burned. He ticked them off on a mental checklist, feeling more relieved with each one knocked off.

Except there was one missing. It made his heart jump into his throat and he reached out to grab the sheriff as she passed the barricade. "Emma, where is Mayor Mills?" he asked.

She turned to him, green eyes full of fear. "I don't know. No one's been able to find her."

Despite the heat radiating off the fire, Robin felt a chill sweep through him. "What do you mean no one can find her?" he shouted.

"She didn't come out with everyone else," Emma explained, sounding like she was keeping her own anxiety and frustration at bay. "We think she probably was making sure everyone got out and got trapped."

Robin rubbed his face, knowing that sounded exactly like her. He glanced over at the building, smoking pouring out of the windows as the flames licked at the façade. Thinking that Regina was still trapped in there made him sick.

"Is anyone trying to find her?" he asked Emma.

Her look told him what her answer was. "It's too hot," she said. "The firefighters can't send anyone in."

"So they're essentially leaving her in there to die?" he asked, shouting. He didn't care who heard him. "They can't do that."

Emma looked close to tears. "I hate leaving her in there too but I have to defer to the fire captain. This is their area of expertise."

Someone called for her and she leaned closer to Robin. "I have to get back to work. Don't do anything stupid."

Emma walked away and Robin kicked a rock, trying to let out his anger. He headed back into the crowd, his mind trying to figure out a way to rescue Regina. There were several entrances to Town Hall and there was no way they could guard each one. He had to find one that wasn't being watched and he could get in. Robin knew there wouldn't be much time once he got inside so he had to figure out where Regina would be so he could go straight there.

Regina was a smart woman who always managed to keep her wits about her, no matter the emergency. It had been what got her elected mayor—she had handled her opponents in court well as the District Attorney and then had served as a strong leader while on the town council. She had won in a landslide, which had made Robin proud. He was her chief of staff, making sure Town Hall ran efficiently and helping Regina enact her agenda as mayor. Robin also took care of her, making sure she ate and didn't get sucked into her work so she didn't burn out. He knew she could change the world outside their small hamlet in Maine and wanted her to be able to do so.

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