Not Just Another Day

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This was based on a prompt I got from my 500th follower on tumblr:

Regina asking everyone out and everybody turning her down because they're throwing her a surprise birthday party c:

And if you want to, you know, write the birthday gift from Robin ??

Everyone in Storybrooke was suddenly very, very busy.

It had started that morning when Regina had woken up to find Robin's side of the bed empty. She padded down to the kitchen, finding a coffee cup in her Keurig and her mug out, meaning Robin had been there. A note stuck to the fridge with a magnet said he had things to do with the Merry Men and he was taking Roland with him while dropping Nellie off at Ashley's day care. She would see them later for dinner, according to his note.

She let out a little groan, having hoped to have a nice quiet lunch with him that afternoon. Biting her lip, she picked up her phone and called Emma. It went to voicemail and Regina rolled her eyes. "Hey, Emma, it's me...Regina. I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe have some lunch today? catch up or talk about Henry or town...stuff. Let me know. Bye."

Emma got back to her a few hours later, though by text. Sorry. Busy with a case. Maybe another day?

What case could Emma possibly be working on in Storybrooke that she didn't know about? Regina sighed though and typed back that that would be okay. Next she dialed Mary Margaret's number. It rang a few times before the brunette answered with a breathless "Hello?"

"Is everything okay?" Regina asked, concerned.

"Yes, yes," Mary Margaret assured her. "I decided today was the day I finally moved my dresser and forgot how heavy it was. That's all."

"Okay...Anyway, can you take a break from moving furniture? I thought we could grab some lunch or do some shopping?"

"Oh, Regina, I would love to but I'm in the middle of spring cleaning."

Regina raised an eyebrow. "It's February, Mary Margaret. That's still winter last I checked."

"I know. But given this is Storybrooke, I've learned spring cleaning is whenever I get the chance."

"Good point." Regina sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "So, a raincheck, then?"

"I'm afraid so." Mary Margaret sounded contrite.

Regina thanked her before hanging up again. The one day she didn't want to be left alone, her family was off being busy. Maybe she could swing by and sign Henry out of school for a mother-son lunch and some ice cream. But that thought was quickly struck down--Henry had been worrying about a big math test all week and she was pretty sure it was today.

Picking up her office phone, Regina dialed the library number and waited for Belle's familiar accent to come over the speaker. "Belle, I was wondering if you had time to finally go over the budget?" she asked.

"Oh, Regina, I can't. I'm not feeling well and I'm just about to leave for the doctor's. Maybe tomorrow?" Belle asked.

"Sure. I'll have my assistant set something with you. Give her a call when you're done with the doctor's. Though if you need to rest, rest. Feel better."

She disconnected the call with Belle and slumped over in her chair. Who else was there for her to call that she would tolerate? Maleficent was off teaching Lily how to be a scary dragon bitch and she certainly wasn't going to tolerate any of the dwarfs. That did leave Dr. Hopper, but he would easily slip into therapist mode and she wasn't sure she could handle that.

A Thief and a Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें