Chapter 46: The Cabin

Start from the beginning

He went to the bathroom, and brought back a towel. He put it on my forehead and I smiled in gratitude. "Stay with me", I said. He nodded, and got in bed with me. He pulled me closer, and kissed my forehead. The first wave of pain hit me, and I groaned. I bent over and clutched my stomach. God, it felt like my intestines were being ripped from its rightful place. "I'm getting worried", he said.

I wanted to tell him I was okay, and that was what I usually went through every month, but when the second wave of pain hit me, it crumpled my speech, and I yelled and held my stomach tighter. "You have to use a drug, any painkillers", he said. "There-", I held my stomach "Are no painkillers here", I said. "There's a store like a mile away, I could rush there and get you some", he offered.

I didn't want him to leave me but after waves and waves of pain hit me, I nodded fervently. He stood up and grabbed his keys. "Hey", I said in a low voice, he turned around. "Yeah? Do you need anything?", he asked. "Could you help me get some pads while you're at it?", I asked. "Yeah, sure", he kissed my forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?", he asked, and nodded.

He made sure I was comfortable before leaving. I cried as I felt more pain crumple me. This month really was pure torture. I got off the bed, and went to the floor, to see if it'll ease my pain. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall, as I held my stomach. "God", I groaned. It was times like this I wished I was not a girl.

Girls have it hard, we deal with hell every month. I was lucky to be in torture for only three days but, some have it even more rough. Imagine going through this for a week. Sometimes, I was glad mine was only a fraction of what other girls go through. I rolled on the hardwood and clutched my stomach, I yelled when another wave of pain hit me. I wanted Gabriel, and I screamed his name. I wanted to pass out, the pain was just too much for me to handle. I crawled to the door, and opened it.

I cried out in pain when floods of agony rushed at me all at once. Somehow, with strength that I couldn't fathom how I'd summoned, I found my way to the kitchen. I put my hand on the counter as I stood up. I opened the cabinet, and brought out a cup. I paused and let the pain pass before turning on the tap, and letting the glass full. I put it off, and placed the glass on my lips. I drank deeply from it, and let out a sigh. My head was beginning to ache, and I let out a curse.

God, it was so hard being a woman. Since I couldn't stand for long, I got on my knees and crawled my way to the sofa. I groaned as I hoisted myself up. "Hmm", I moaned and grabbed my stomach. I curled myself into a ball, as I grunted in pain. "Fuck", I cried out when another massive pain hit me again.

"Oh my God, Jola", Gabriel said, and ran to me. He picked me up, and carried me to the bedroom. "I'm so sorry. I came back as soon as I could", he said. "It took you long enough", I snapped at him. He winced and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry", he apologized. I sighed and stared at him. I'd snapped at him on something that was absolutely not his fault. "No, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I know you tried to be as early as possible", I said. He kissed my hair, and sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you", she said. "Its okay", I said softly.

He brought out the things in the bag and despite my pain, I couldn't help but smile at the amount of pads he bought. "I didn't know which one you liked, so I bought one of everything I saw", he explained. I smiled at him, and shook my head. He was so cute. He brought out a painkiller, and gave me two. He passed me a glass of water, and I took it gratefully. "Thank you", I passed him the glass, and he smiled. "Oh baby", he said and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my hair, and sighed. "I'm here now, you're gonna be okay", he said. He soothed me, and whispered things in my ear till I fell asleep.

I woke up hours later, and smiled when I realized the pain had gone. Suck on that menstrual cramps. I frowned when I didn't see him in the room. Where could he be? I threw off the blankets, and called his name. There was no reply. I wore my flip flops, and went in search of him. I rested on the wall and smiled at the sight in front of me. Gabriel was on his laptop, sipping his coffee. He sighed, and rubbed his forehead. He looked so tired, and stressed out that I pitied him. I moved closer to him without his knowledge to see what he was working on. 'How to reduce menstrual cramps', it read. I smiled, he was researching ways to reduce the pain I was feeling. My love for him grew everyday.

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