Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"No wAIT-"

They stared as two figures burst through from the white glowing thing, one tall and the other short. Both of them were dressed in dark clothes, looking rather ragged if he could say so. The taller one had a big rifle strapped over his back, and his white hair was tied back into a half ponytail so that it didn't block his vision. It also didn't block the white, blue and red that was proudly displayed on his face.

The shorter had black hair that looked like it was cut hastily with nothing more than a few strokes of a knife. He held one in his right hand, and a revolver in his other hand. Almost predictably, black, red and gold was the colour of his face. He nudged his companion with his elbow, and pointed to them.

Russia shut his mouth and quickly stood up, grabbing whatever was the closest weapon available to him, the metal bottle opener. But he regretted his choice a few seconds later, as the taller guy clicked his rifle into ready and aimed right at his chest, looking at him with the eye of a experienced killer.

"Russland wait-" Twin voices spoke at once, and Germany froze mid-standing up, staring right back at the short person, which also had an almost identical surprised look on his face. 

The Germany beside him stood up fully and pushed down his hand holding the opener gently, still keeping eye contact with the seemingly same...Germany...in front of them. That Germany did the same, more firmly with the rifle though, and clicked the safety back on, making... he assumed to be another Russia, growl, and then glare at him. Yep, that was a glare that was familiar to him, because he used to often enough himself on people who got close to him or his boyfriend.

"Hold on, you guys have drinks?" That Germany suddenly asked, remembering that bottle opener. "Um..ja? Beer?" Germany said slowly, relaxing slightly as the almost mirror image of him smiled and nodded eagerly. The two Russias' weren't exactly happy about that.

🎃 🍫 👻 🧟 💀 🐺 😈 🎃

"So...your world is having an apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse?"

"Ja, and from what you said earlier, we stepped through a portal that let us...cross..."

"Cross the multiverse? If that makes any sense-" Germany, his Germany said, tapping idly on his beer bottle, making a light clinking sound. "I read about it somewhere, maybe it really IS a thing." The 'Apocalypse' Germany hummed and took another sip, his face exposing his enjoyment of the beer.

"This is great. Or maybe it just tastes better here than in our wasteland-" He said, nudging his companion, the other Russia, who also had a bottle of beer in his hands. He grunted and begrudgingly took a sip as well, still keeping a wary glance on Russia and Germany. 

They sat quietly on their seats in their living room for a while, sometimes flicking their eyes to the TV, which was playing Morticia and Gomez dancing the tango in the background. Apocalypse Germany cleared his throat again and glanced at Germany and Russia. "Soo...I take it that you two are...together? As well?" 

"Yeah, we are-" Germany said quickly beside him. Russia nodded in conformation, and noticed his counterpart relax just a little, not too much, but a little. He didn't know if it was something the zombie apocalypse had done to that version of his brain, like maybe trauma. 

Apocalypse Germany smiled and tapped his shoulder, and apocalyptic Russia smiled tiredly back, but Russia could tell he did mean it. Their relationship was almost like their own, he supposed, just much deeper in slightly different ways due to the difference of environments. They probably had to kill zombies together, which actually sounded very exhilarating-

"Tell us a bit of your universe, and about you two. It's actually very science fictiony, to be honest-" Germany said, leaning forward in his seat. "I mean, I guess so. We didn't...think 'zombies' would become a thing either, 3 years ago. Everything was normal, kind of like now." He answered back, barking out a laugh and making air quotation marks.

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