Big Brother

564 19 26

Lo, behold, more Russia 🇷🇺

Jkjk, there's also two more of his siblings XD I solemnly swear that there is minimal angst in this oneshot-

Sorry Germany I'll write something with more spotlight on you next time let your boyfriend shine for now-

Thank you for all the lovely words commented in the previous oneshot!!! They mean so much to me knowing that you love the story as much as I do 😭😭

Russia's backstory offers more space for creativity compared to Germany(It's always the splitting and cold war etc) so I went hogwild with it :D

Now presenting: Kazakhstan hurt/comfort. Contributing to the CH fandom to this day.

If you're wondering how I managed to post this so quickly after the previous oneshot, this was written like months ago when I was writing You were all my Family, for a little serotonin boost and to reassure Russia that life is not all bad😭


I hope you enjoy reading!!


Russia was never much of a deep sleeper, some subconscious part of his always needed to keep vigilant, so he was quickly opening his eyes to the sound of something knocking at their front door downstairs, and shuffling noises across their porch.

He stayed still for a few seconds, listening keenly for the next noise. Germany snoozed beside him in bed, totally oblivious, and he didn't have the heart to wake him up in case it was a false alarm. Maybe it was just an animal. Of course, animals couldn't knock twice in a row a second time.

The bedsheets rustled quietly as Russia carefully pulled himself from the blankets, ice blue irises gleaming in the pitch dark. A quick glance at the clock on their bedside table told him that it was 2am, moving silently and slipping out of the bedroom.

If whoever was outside their house was a burglar, they were going a very bad job at it, Russia thought, hand hovering over a baseball bat. Especially since they were now ringing the doorbell. He decided that maybe he should just go ahead and skip the precautions, unlocking the door and pulling it open a crack.

The first thing he heard in the darkness of the porch was a sniffle, and then a soft sob. Ice blue eyes widened as he yanked the door open completely, staring back into a pair of shiny amber yellow eyes.

"Kazzie?" Russia said in surprise, tightening his grip on the doorknob. Tear tracks glimmered down his brother's face, dripping down his chin.

"A-аға-" Kazakhstan whimpered, taking a stumbling step forward before throwing himself into his arms, starting to sob louder into his chest, clawing his fingers into the fabric of his T-shirt.

He was freezing to the touch, Russia immediately noticed, eyes wide as he hugged him back just as quickly, one hand pressed against his exposed shoulder and feeling the cold emitting from his younger brother's blue skin.

"Kazzie- what happened?" He whispered in alarm, looking around frantically at their outside surroundings for any sign of danger. There was no one around, the night was pitch black and silent. Kazakhstan whimpered against his shirt again, tears starting to soak through.

"We're going inside, come on." He muttered, half-carrying his brother inside the house quickly, slamming the front door shut and locked tight. Freeing one arm, he quickly flicked on the lights to the living room, dialing the heater high to warm up the place faster.

Kazakhstan continued to cling on to him with a death grip, his blue hair in disarray. 

"Aға's here, it's going to be okay." Russia said softly, squeezing him harder as he stroked one hand along his arm in consolation, rubbing warmth back into his skin. The sounds of his sobs continued on, muffled against his chest. 

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