Harem Shenanigans 2.

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Hey guys im so sorry for not updating >////<

The amount of school work I had was just cRAzY XD

Like a 'normal' school day would have less homework-

:')) *Sips coffee mixed with red bull and wine out of a wine glass*

I really hope everyone's safe and sound at home. Take care you guys.

Yayyy presenting Harem Shenanigans vol. (II) :DD

And suPPOSINGLY this was gonna be tooth rotting fluff (like no kidding I had the 'perfect' idea and everything)

as said in the previous chapter where I should have been struck by lighting by the amount of sin that was in there-

But wELP my hand slipped. Enjoy-

Also random advertisement/shoutout go check out ooohowaitoooo on Tumblr :3 Their art is aMaZing-

(warning: Very long authors note below(sorry about that>///<), but I would appreciate it if you would read it :3)


"Okay Okay my turn-" Hungary said excitedly, nudging Portugal back into his seat. He was holding up eight of his fingers, and smirked at the rest of the countries seated around him.

"Never have I ever....sucked someone's nipple during 'it'. " He said, leaning back into his chair as he put down another finger on his right hand, showing seven. The other countries murmured amongst themselves, some amused, some boldly putting down a finger as well, others getting blushy and red.

"Nice~" America grinned as he saw his brother Canada blush furiously, and lower down his second finger out of ten. He clapped him on the back supportively, which Canada only grumbled against. America was way ahead of him and had only five fingers left up.

The door to the office suddenly opened with a sharp squeak, and everyone turned abruptly to look, surprised and slightly embarrassed to be caught.

"Umm...am I interrupting something?" Germany asked in a confused tone, closing the office door behind him, a dark blue folder under his arm, and he wondered why everyone was staring at him like that, having just returned from meeting with E.U. He was a bit uncomfortable with the sudden attention.

"Germany!!" America shouted, leaping up from his chair at the head of the messy circle and making everyone startle. "Hallo Amerika-" Germany cracked a smile, inching toward his desk to set down the folder first.

"Come join us!! We're playing a game!" He shouted again. Luxembourg wondered whether he should either go lock the doors to the office, or call it now and escape before it was too late. 

All the countries here would be screwed if either E.U or NATO found them here, not working at their desks and instead sitting in a circle like a bunch of human children at a sleepover.

"I brought the Nato team here to play as well, we were getting too bored in our own room-" America added, waving a hand to his co-workers sitting around in the circle.

Finland graciously pulled up another chair for Germany, a much more calm approach that earned him another bright smile from the other country. America's glaze turned red for a second as he shot a glare toward the Nordic.

"What are we playing?" Germany asked brightly, scooting the chair more comfortably so that he was sitting between America and Finland, Poland looking quite dejected three seats away. 

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